(9) Hard Knock Life

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The newsboys start to excitedly talk about the headline. But my stomach just bursts with more butterflies. Morris and the other man open the gate. I slowly walk in with the rest of the newsboys, being careful about my cap not slipping down. The area is kind of small, there's a tower of newspapers with someone standing by it, and a big wagon was near the tower. The newsboys form a line by the papers and I join in the very back of the line.

After some newsboys got papers, I saw two boys run in; their faces red from running, and their clothes were covered with water. Both of the boys had dark brown hair. "Sorry guys for being late, our kitchen sink broke." The older boy panted. Some of the newsies start to laugh and say some jokes to them, a boy wearing a blue shirt walks up to them. I try to listen to what they are saying. But feel someone tap my shoulder. "Hey, are you's just gotta stand here or get papes?" I turn to face a older man, standing on the other side of the newspapers: he was wearing kind of nicer clothes than the newsies, and he was holding a cigar. "Oh s-s-sorry." I reach into my pocket but realize I don't have any money. Why didn't I think of that before. I look at the ground and try to think of something quick, maybe I could make some kind of deal with this man? No, that's stupid Alice. I start to walk away, maybe I could find some money in the trash and come back later. "Hey'a Weasel, get da new kid 30 papes." I look back and see the blue shirt boy standing by Weasel. Morris hands me the papers, "t-t-thank y-you s-so m-much.' I say to blue shirt boy, he smiles at me. "Don't mention it, hey what's ya name?" Oh no, again another thing I didn't think of, how did I not think of a name? I pick the first name that comes into my head. "P-Peter,"  blue shirt boy nods his head. "i'm's Jack," he looks at me for a few moments. He was about to say something when the younger boy who came late comes up to us. "Jack, can I sell papes with the new kid?" He was looking  at Jack with puppy eyes. "don't ya try and use you's eyes on me, Pete is gonna sell with..." Jack looks around at newsboys. "Specs!"  The younger boy looks disappointed. Jack lowers himself closer to the younger boy. "Maybe after Pete know's what he's doing you can sell with him," little boy smiles at Jack. It was weird to hear someone call me he. But that was another thing I was going to have to get used to. Little boy skips over to the taller soaked boy. I realize that Specs is right by Jack and I. I hope he doesn't somehow recognize me. "Specs you will be's selling with Pete," Jack slaps my back, Specs nods his head. Jack starts to walk out of the area, "NEWSIES! LET'S GET A MOVE ON AND CARRY DA BANNER." All the newsboys (or newsies as Jack called them,) started to walk out of the area. I see Specs in the crowd, he yells. "Follow me Pete!"

As we walk Specs explained that I was going to sell outside of a theater and he was going to be nearby. Walking down the street I saw the beautiful fall leaves everywhere, my boots were crushing the dead leaves on the ground. "Okay Pete, here's da theater," the theater looked like a basic theater, it was a brown stone building, it had empty brushes at the front and big signs were around the theater for upcoming shows. "Since the headline is not terrible today, all you's got to do is yell it." Specs explains to me, he starts to walk away. "If you's need me I's will be a few blocks away." I watch him as he walked down the street, now working as a newsboy began.

I never realized how hard it was working as a newsboy, after a few hours my voice got tired from yelling. People really needed to give the newsboys more credit. It was about mid-afternoon and I have almost sold all of my papers, every time I yelled/stuttered, "S-S-SCHOOl BURNED DOWN." someone would always come to me. I always thought of Willie and Rose when I yelled it, and that just made me feel more sad about Brearley. After selling a few more papers I go to a alley and sit down to rest, my whole body was tired. I wanted to take off my cap, and let my hair down. But I was scared that someone might find me out. I start to hear footsteps and look around in the alleyway thinking Specs was checking up on me. But I was so, so, wrong.

That evil dog was standing in the middle of the alley.

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