(19) Nickname

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Specs and I walk inside the lodge, the cold walls, peeling paint, and creaky floors greet me. We walk up the stairs, the sound of our steps echoing though the big empty building. We make it to the main room, some newsies say some greetings when I walk in, I greet them back by nodding my head. I put away the money I earned in the old cigar box. "NEWSIES!" Jack's call almost scared me to death, I look up at him. "It's is time," He points at me. "Ta find a new nickname for... Noodle." The newsies looked excited, a little too much about finding a nickname. "Just say any name that you's think will fit her." 

"I say we keep ta name Noodle." Specs said, I lightly punch him in the shoulder. Someone else speaks up, "Wait, how about inky?"

"Does she look like a squid Albert." Race asked, "I mean... Kind of." 

"What if we name her Shorty?" Elmer asked, "that name is as boring as Davey," Jojo replied.  After some more names are called out, and newsies fighting over how dumb some names are. Romeo says a name that gets everyone's attention. "What about da name Mouse?" some newsies repeat the name Mouse, while others look like they consider it. Henry calls out to Romeo. "Why da name Mouse?" 

Romeo clears his throat. "Because the name Mouse matches her perfectly, she's quiet and small like one. Plus I can spell it." He shrugs his shoulders. Newsies start to really consider the name. Jack comes over to me, his voice breaks up the noise. "What do ya think about da nicknames?" I think about the names I heard, then say. "For o-once Romeo can think of s-something good. I like the n-name Mouse."

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