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"Um? H-hey are you ok?" Stated izuku as he stare at skinny man with his thoughts about him because he's just standing and unable to move, izuku thinks that there is something up to him.

Come on toshi tell him that his your son, tell him that his father is not dead/ he didn't leave.

Tell him that his father loves him.

Tell him that inko and you were worried about your son, come on tell him.

Do it toshi, you are the symbol of peace right? So do it.

And toshi/skinny man's mind is now unthinkable, those thoughts drag him down.

He can't literally know what was just happening now.

All thought is all about his son.

"Hey!, mr? Are you ok?!, hey talk to me!".

"Crap, he must be out his mind, what should i do?".

Then suddenly midoriya starts to touch the skinny man and he shake him up so he would cut his thought.

"Sir! Sir!, hey please cut the crap you think!, wakee uppp!?."

Midoriya was now piss of because no matter how ward he try, the skinny man is still in the state and so he punch the stomach of the skinny so he should cut through it.

"Ow! What's the big deal brat?!, why did you do that?".

"I did that because there is something strange about, you weren't listening to me!".

"Sorry ok?, so what did you say earlier?".

"When i told you that i was abandoned from my parents when i was a baby, you immediately froze. Tell me are you involve of this? Do you know where my parents are?".

With that skinny man lowers his head and he smiled.

"You already find him".

And that izuku confused about what he said.

"What do you mean? 'You already find him' oh so your telling me that I'm your son, well its totally different. Your hair and mine is different, your blood and also your quirk. So it's impossible that I'm your son".

MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now