The Beginnings of an Apocalypse

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(AN: Original story time! Yay! Anyway, just saying enjoy and all will be revealed about why everything is the way it is, so bare with me.

Yep, that's all I wanted to say.

Happy reading Pandas!)

There she sat, staring out of her maths class window, daydreaming of something actually exciting happening.

Audrey takes note of what the day is like, then twists it into some epic adventure of blood, gore, romance, action, all the things that make a brilliant story, well, be a brilliant story.

A figure wanders around outside and Audrey watches closely, intrigued by the drunken-like figure with torn clothing. It walks into a pole and Audrey chuckles to herself, quiet enough to not disturb anyone.

Then, a second figure wanders out, it acts as though it's drunk too and also has torn clothing. It stumbles off the stairs and lands on the ground, face first. Its neck snaps, but it just claws at the ground, moving around. Audrey's eyebrows furrow in confusion, "uhhhh, okay?" She whispers to herself, "can I," she says at the teacher as she raises her hand. "Can I go to the bathroom, please?" She asks, "don't be long," the teachers grumbles. Audrey flashes a smile and leaves the classroom, she heads for the bathroom, but instead, goes outside, careful none of her maths class mates will spy her.

"You two alright there? You look a little smashed," she says to the figures. She quickly discovers that they're covered in blood, some of their bones are exposed, and they have flesh peeling from their limbs. And their skin, well, what remains of it, was a sickly pale.


Deathly pale.

She makes a face as the smell of these figures hit her nose. Damn they smelt bad.

"Ya know, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were zombies." She laughs lightly to herself. Ahh, zombies.

The first one, the one that walked into the pole, turns to face Audrey. She, he, it? It starts towards her, reaching its arms out. "Hey, easy tiger," she says as she steps back, placing her hands in front of her as though she attempting to tame a wild beast.

It continues towards her, picking up its pace until it's full on running. She panics and grabs a nearby flower pot and smashes it over the thing's head. It stops for a moment, but continues on.


Audrey picks up another flower pot and smashes it against a wall, creating sharp shards, which causes her to bleed. She rams a particularly sharp piece through the face of it. It falls to the ground, defeated.

"What. The. Fuck?"

She looks over at the snapped neck one crawling over the ground. She walks over to it, sharp piece of flower pot in hand, and stabs the son of a bitch through the back of the head.

"Suck my star spangled dick bitch." She spits, she turns on her heel and marches off, a little blood on her from her killings. A small chuckle escapes her throat as she walks back to maths.

She gets back and takes her seat up again, about 10 minutes until bell.


"So... I think I killed two zombies today," Audrey opens as she takes a seat at 'The Tree', the gangs usual meeting spot. Kitty almost spits out her food, Fenn gives her a questioning glance. "It's true," she shrugs. She was acting way to calm about this.

"Hey, any of you noticed how deserted this area is?" Alexis asks as she takes up a seat beside Audrey, they all look around, no one.

"Oh hey, there's some people," Fenn chimes as she points towards a herd of people... Zombies actually. "Oh wait... Holy crap! You're right! Zombies," she adds. "Toldja." Was all Audrey could say. "Shouldn't we go get weapons or something? I mean, if we're going to survive, that is." Kitty says, "yeah, let's go!" Fenn says, jumping up. "This is going to be interesting," Alexis mutters, "yes. Yes it is." Audrey replies, petting Alexis on the back. "So let's go!" Kitty sings, leaping from her seat.

"Hells yeah! Let's light this candle!"

They were all acting way to calm about this.

No, not calm.


They were excited about a zombie apocalypse.

That's what you get when you have four teenagers who daydream about this crap happening for entertainment.

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