Dressed to Kill

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Kitty peels the dried blood from her tennis racket as Fenn plays with the kitchen knife that was taken from the kitchens. Son and Flo lay sleeping peacefully, sleep was going to be the only peace they got, but even then nightmares plagued Alexis every time she closed her eyes. Audrey stares out of the window, just like when she did at Dr John Holmes' torture house.

The sun cracks through the buildings, giving a warm, welcoming glow, sending light through rain droplets, due to it having rained last night.

Alexis' eyes fly open and she bolts upright due to another nightmare, she pants hard as sweat drips from her forehead. "Easy tiger," Audrey tries, Alexis gives her a look and she lies back down.

"We should move, this isn't a safe area. We are still heading for the shopping centre," Kitty orders. Every conscious person stands up, Alexis walks over to Son to try and wake her up. "Son. Son! Sonika!" She hisses. Nothing, no response. "Here, let me try," Audrey pushes Alexis to the side. She glances around to check for the undead and leans in close to the sleeping girls' ears.


Flo wakes with a start whereas Son's eyes just bug out and open as she sits up. Audrey and Alexis give a light chuckle which earns them glares from Fenn and Kitty.

"Can you not?" They ask together.

Audrey shrugs and helps Son and Flo to their feet. "Onwards!" Audrey cries and she marches out the door, Kitty rolls her eyes and follows, as does everyone else.

They walk in a straight line down the street, shoulders touching, weapons in hand. "We still need to get you a weapon you know," Audrey whispers into Flo's ear. "True, so what do you propose?" Flo adds, "well, we could find a gun store," Son buds in. "And where are we going to find one of those?" Alexis asks, Son shrugs, "I don't know," she says.

Those four discuss weapons until Kitty silences them. "Shhhh, do you hear that?" She raises her hand and her ear pricks up. Everyone stops in their tracks and turns around.

"... Zombie..."


"Do we run or do we fight?"




"Jesus Christ!"

"Haha! Jesus ain't coming."

"Shut up! Everybody shut up!"

Silence falls upon the group, and the zombies begin to run at them.




"Look... RUN!"

They all sprint off in the opposite direction of the undead. Some start to fall behind as others go faster. "Come on! Hurry!" Kitty urges, Son, Flo and Audrey are a step behind the other three. "We have to go!" Audrey calls, Flo picks up the pace a little. Fenn, Kitty and Alexis slip into a building, closely followed by Flo, Son and Audrey. They slam the door shut and lock it.

"Phew, nothing like an early morning run eh?" Audrey laughs, the room is then filled heavy silence and bitchfaces. "Too soon?" Audrey question innocently, "yeah I'm pretty sure six seconds is too soon," Alexis replies. There's a loud bang on the door as the horde pile on top of each other, trying to break through. They were hungry.

The gang look around their new surroundings. A clothes store, now how did they miss this earlier?

Audrey and Son inspect the clothes, Fenn and Alexis look for ways out and Kitty and Flo make sure the area is secure.

"We should take these, they're more practical than what we're wearing." Audrey says, "yeah, we should," Son replies. Audrey pulls out a pair of jeans and so does Son. They wander to the shirt section, a red shirt for Son, and a pink one for Audrey. They go into the change rooms and discard their school dresses.

"The area is secure, we should be safe for now," Flo reports. "What are you doing?" She questions when Son walks out of the change room. "Practical clothing," she explains. "Oh," Flo grabs a blue shirt and some jeans and changes too.

When Audrey wanders out, she grabs a pair of boots from the back of the store, along side a zip up hoodie. She pulls on her new attire and walks around the store, inspecting things here and there.

Soon enough, the whole gang catches on and they've changed their clothes. No more stupid school dresses.

"Did you guys find a way out?" Flo asks Alexis once she's left the changed rooms. "One back door, but it almost as if their are zombies guarding it." Alexis answers, "it's true." Fenn says as they wander out of the change room pulling the loose strands of hair from under the shirt. "We go out fighting. The shopping district is still our best chance for survival," Kitty explains. "She's right, we must press forward," Son accompanies. "Well let's go," Alexis says, they all head towards the back door except Audrey. She pulls clothes from lone standing poles, tossing them to the floor. She picks up the bare rack and rushes back to her friends.

"Flo, you're gonna need this," Audrey hands the large, hefty rack to Flo. "Thanks," Flo adds a small smile to her words.




They file out the door one by one. Alexis and Kitty are already stabbing and bludgeoning, killing. Fenn is a little hesitant but with Son' help, they kill a few zombies. Flo swings her new found weapon wildly and somehow knocking zombies to the ground, where Audrey then kills them.

After the bloodbath of zombie blood, the group walks away, careful not to alert the front horde. They slip up between buildings, killing rouge zombies which stood in their way.

They travel on foot all day, not to many deaths, just those of zombies. Though they nearly did loose Kitty, but she's fine. Long story short, Flo kicked some ass.

They were in a thick patch of trees. It wasn't small, but it wasn't large either, just big enough to conceal yourself in, but not so big that you'd get lost and starve to death in there because you can't find a road or path.

The moon slowly rises over the trees, illuminating the way for the gang. The slow up and set up camp, though it wasn't much of a camp, more like random people sleeping in a random place.

"Alexis, Son, take first watch. Everyone else, sleep." Kitty commands, Alexis and Son arrange themselves so they could protect from any undead.

This was going to be a long, but hopefully painless, night.

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