Death's Kiss

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“WHAT IS THE POINT ANY MORE? TELL ME! I need a reason…” Audrey whispers the last part.

“Audrey, calm down, it’s okay.” Alexis tries to sooth, “come on, it’s alright,” Frey adds.

Flo appears out of nowhere, “what’s happen- Audrey! Calm down,” Flo spots the knife in Audrey’s hand.

“Just give me a reason…” She whispers, she draws a shaky breath as tears practically sprint from her eyes. “WHAT’S THIS ALL FOR? WHY ARE WE EVEN STILL ALIVE? WHY DO WE KEEP LIVING? I ALREADY QUESTIONED THE POINT OF LIFE AND NOW THERE’S NOTHING HOLDING ME BACK!” Audrey cries, she brings her blade high into the air. Her friends whispering things to calm her down. Audrey repositions her blade in the air.


But it’s too late, the silver is already wedged between her flesh. “Audrey yes,” she whispers. She twists the blade and rips it out, she collapses to the ground.


Blood leaks from her stomach wound, colouring the ground a brilliant shade of red. The gang stares in disbelief. They all just got back together, and now, another was dead.

Before Audrey had died, she explain that Son died, part of the reason why she went to do the Hellfire Rumba so quickly.

“Well that was… okay then,” Alexis says. They all stand up straight and look at each other, “let’s go,” Kitty orders. “Aren’t you the least bit sad that our friend just killed herself, and we discovered that another one is dead? Eaten! By a priest!” Alexis exclaims.


Kitty pushes past all of them, stepping over a still bleeding Audrey. They all turn and follow her, leaving Audrey to be eaten, by zombies or animals, maybe a cannibal, who knows?

As they walk, a horde of zombies appears, “ahhh crap,” Kitty comments. They all ready their weapons, preparing for the kill. Alexis steps forwards a little, just in front of Kitty, so she can get the best aim. “There’s too many! We should split, draw some off and take them out that way!” Cas calls, they all nod and run off, making as much noise as possible.

Kitty and Alexis run to the left, drawing a hefty few zombies, Flo and Cas run at them, killing the lot that remain, Flo fires her guns, mowing them down. Frey, however, ran off on her own, but only about... 10? Yeah, 10 zombies followed her. She kills them easily, all except one.

Kitty and Alexis find themselves cornered, but one would have to hold them off to ensure their escape. They began to argue over who should hold them off.

“Bye-bye Alexis,” Kitty smirks, she pushes Alexis into the zombies. They grab at her as she screams, but she’s too far gone. Kitty uses this distraction to get away, running out into the street, she see’s all the dead zombies.

Flo and Cas run out from behind a building, Frey is nowhere to be seen.



“What about Frey?”

“I think she’s dead too.”

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