Different Sides of this Place

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They hide in any little place. The shelves, the cubicles, the air vents if they were small enough. Cas and Alexis pant heavily, they hear zombies prowling the stores, the walkways. Kitty sits curled up against her girlfriend that turns out wasn’t dead, she was just hiding here the whole time. Sam and Gabrielle, however, didn’t exactly… get away in time. What can I say? Heavy sleepers.

“Hey, Kitty, it’s going to be okay, don’t worry, we’re fine.” Tiger strokes her hair, “I know we will, I know,” Kitty replies. She nuzzles into her girlfriends neck, taking in her scent. She smelt of jasmine tea leaves and… sunshine? Yes, sunshine.

The zombies gather around the little area where Kitty and Tiger are concealed. They stop breathing altogether and wait. Waiting for their perfect chance to bust out fighting.

Tiger loads her gun and points it through the small crack in the door. “One… two… three,” she breaths. She pops the door open and starts firing.





Shoulder (crap).

Headshot (that’s better).


Kitty hobbles up and starts swinging, defending herself, and only herself. Tiger runs out of bullets and goes to reload, but an undead grasps her and pushes himself on her, forcing her to the ground. He gnaws on her neck, lapping up the blood, consuming her flesh.

“Help... me…” she manages, Kitty looks her dead in the eye.

“Sorry honey.”

Kitty hobbles off, leaving her girlfriend to die, to be consumed by monsters. She felt nothing, yeah, she loved the girl. But no guilt hung over her head. She had to protect herself after all.

Kitty smashes into Frey, knocking her to the ground. Frey leaps back up and they take off, a few zombies sprinting after them. They hit the back ground floor exit. Kitty smashes the lock with her weapon, breaking it, popping it open. Frey and Kitty get outside, they walk for a few meters, stopping to check for zombies and the other two humans that supposedly got out. Hopefully.

Alexis and Cas however where on the top floor. They fought their way down to ground level, but there were just too many. They scramble to the front gate, the undead on their heels. They burst through the gate, turn around and slam it shut. Locking it this time.

“Come on, let’s go!” Alexis cries, Cas and Alexis run off into the moon light. Frey and Kitty on the other side of the mall, run too, the moon light their only guide.

So here we are again. A gang, split to groups.

Without knowing it, both small groups stay within the shopping district. Though there were zombies, it was still the safest option.

“You go to the left, I’ll go right. We’ll meet back here in an hour, try to find supplies, weapons, survivors. Got it?”

Still, without realising it, both groups made roughly the same plan.

Scope for weapons, food, survivors.

But, being the idiots they are, missed each other by minutes. Cas had scoped the left side ten whole minutes before Frey. Same with Alexis and Kitty. Ten minutes difference.

“Found anything?”

“Just some random crap.”

“Me too.”

Is basically how the conversations went down when they returned. The groups went to sleep in different buildings, on different sides of the district.

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