Chapter 3: Memories

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Georges POV
We quickly got to the subway and sat down, after a few minutes we finally left the train

Me and Angie got to James' middle school after a few minutes of walking

There were lots of people on the entrance trying to get their kids

This school brought back lots of memories, this used to be our middle school after all

"Oh my gosh do you remember when we jumped to that roof?" I asked laughing

Angie quickly smiled "I do, you almost broke your arm, you were so afraid to go"

"Yeah and you guys started calling me a chicken" I said with a quick smile, Angie laughed

"You were one, even I wasn't afraid to go"

I rolled my eyes with a smile "that's true I used afraid of everything"

"Not anymore though" Angie said

"Still a little bit afraid, just not as much" I said

James was leaving with his friends, he looked confused when he saw us

"I thought Aj was picking me up" James said going to us and separating from his friends

"Yeah well me too but apparently he had to do something, that by the way he did not mention" Angie said with a angry groan

"Anyway we should get going we still have to get John" I said

We started heading to the elementary school

When we got there John was already standing at the entrance waiting for us,

"Hey John we came to pick you up" I said when he got to us

John just nodded and stayed quiet

"Okay so now we'll have to walk home" Angie said, James groaned "stop groaning if Aj was here you'd have to walk too"

"Yeah but Aj is way more fun than you" James said, Angie rolled her eyes

"Well you'll have to deal with me for the rest of your damn life so just accept it and let's go" Angie said, I knew she was hurt, but she usually hid her feelings from everyone

"You okay?" I whispered in her ear, she quickly smiled at me and nodded

We finally got to the Hamilton's after a few minutes, James was the first to get inside the apartment, John left saying a quiet goodbye to me in which I replied with a hug, he smiled and left

"Well I guess that's it, I'll see you tomorrow" Angie said

"You want a hug too?" I asked playfully, Angie smiled and hugged me, we separated and I kissed her cheek

"Bye Ang"

"B-Bye" She waved

Angie's POV

I saw Georges go away and started blushing like a tomato

Had he really done that?, maybe it was just because of respect but I don't know

All I know is that I felt so happy, I quickly looked at my phone to see what time it was '7:30 pm' I had to be at Frances house in half an hour I had time

When I got home I got to my parents who were cuddling on the couch "mom, dad I'm going to Frances'" I said as my dad looked confused at me

"And who gave you permission to do that huh?" My dad said as I smiled

"Please dad she invited me, and it's not like it's the first time, she's my best friend" I said as my dad smiled

"Talk to your mom" my dad said as my mom looked at him

"What?" My mom said as my dad smiled at her "look I don't really want to disturb your uncle"

"C'mon mom please he'll be fine with it it's not like it's the first time I go there and it's just across the street I'll be fine" I said as my mom nodded

"Okay but behave yourself" my mom said as I nodded and smiled

"I love you guys I gotta go but I'll talk to you later" I said as kissed both of their cheeks and started going to Frances house


"She's growing up" Alex said sighing

"And it's that a problem cause I see no problem in that" Eliza said

"Boys will start coming you know" Alex said as Eliza smiled at him

"What are you afraid of loosing your little girl?" Eliza asked smiling

"Yes indeed I am" Alex said "I just don't want her to be with a guy like me"

"You aren't that bad Alexander" Eliza said

"Really?" Alex said in a sarcastic way

"Yes, but you have to understand that she's not a little girl anymore and she'll make the right choice, she's going to be eighteen next year Alexander she's not just some kid that can't make choices" Eliza said as Alex sighed

"I know, and I know she's going to make the right choice I'm just a little afraid like any father would be" Alex said as Eliza kissed him on the cheek

"That's really cute Alexander" Eliza said smiling as Alex smiled back

"I guess, I know she's going to be fine though" Alex said as he hugged Eliza and continued cuddling
Hey, hope you liked this I guess, this chapters have been difficult to write but I love them so much so enjoy :>

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