Chapter 15: Midnight talk

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Angie's POV
It was 3 am, day December 20th, I was laying in bed sleeping peacefully until Lizzie started crying intensively once again

I heard my brother groan as I woke up, I tried to sleep but she wouldn't stop so I decided to go there myself and shush her

I got into Lizzie's room making my way through all the toys laying on the ground carefully,

"Lizzie can you please be quiet I'm really trying to sleep I have school tomorrow and so do the rest of our brothers" I said, Lizzie crossed her arms and shook her head

"I want mommy and daddy" Lizzie said crying, I took her in my arms, she was a little bit heavy but I could handle it

"Mom and dad are not gonna stop loving you because they'll have another baby Liz, look when you were born I wasn't mad about it or jealous, I was really happy that I was finally going to have a little sister, you were born and mom and dad still love us all the same way as they love you, you don't need to be scared Lizzie it's gonna be fine and you'll have a little sister or brother" I said, she hugged me, I smiled and started rocking her and humming a song

I sat on the little couch next to her bed, I saw a figure on the door and quickly realized it was my dad, he had a smile plastered on his face

He sat next to me and Lizzie "daddy!" Lizzie said going to his arms, he kissed her forehead

"Hey princess" he said, I smiled I remembered when he used to call me that "don't you want to go to sleep it's really late" he said to Lizzie, Lizzie nodded

"But only if you two stay here until I fall asleep" she said looking at us pleadingly

"Sweetheart you're sister has school tomorrow and I'm sure she wants to get some rest" my dad, Lizzie's gaze turned to me with puppy eyes

"That's fine It's not like I would sleep much more anyways" I said shrugging

My dad placed Lizzie on her bed and pulled the covers over her tiny body, he kissed her forehead and sat next to me on the couch, he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back

"So how are you?" He asked smiling, I shrugged

"I got no idea to be honest" I said quietly laughing

"What happened?" My dad asked raising an eyebrow

"I don't even know what I want to of my life in the future, I don't know what I'm going to college for next year, I'm so confused" I said, my dad gave me an understanding smile

"C'mon I'm sure you got at least one thing you would like to do" my dad said, I shook my head

"I got no idea" I said sighing

"Angie you're most talent person I know, you can dance, you can sing, you know how to play lots of instruments, you can act and you can do so much more things I'm sure you'll find something" My dad said, maybe he was right I could do lots of things

"Maybe I could be an actress, or a Broadway actress" I said, my eyes lit up, I always loved musicals they were my passion, my dad smiled

"Maybe who knows, I'm sure you could" my dad said, I smiled at him "anyways are there any boys I'll need to kill in the next few months" he asked, I stayed quiet "who is he?"

"Who?, I don't know who you're talking about" I said with a nervous glance, I couldn't tell him about Georges not yet at least

"You don't buy me with that stop lying" he said, I sighed

"Okay fine there's a boy I'm interested in but that's all I'm telling you" I said, my dad's eyes widened

"For real?" My dad asked, I nodded

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