Chapter 13: Fighting it

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Warning: This chapter contains mentions of suicide and depression skip it if you don't like or aren't fine with it

Georges POV
I woke up but I didn't get out of bed, I didn't want to, I just wanted to stay the whole day in bed

My mom opened the door "c'mon it's time to get up we have to go" she said as I stared at the floor, my mom kissed me on the forehead and left the room

I sighed before getting up and heading to the kitchen to eat breakfast, I didn't eat much though I didn't felt like it, my dad and my sister had already left so it was just me and my mom

I took a shower and got dressed then left with my mom

The car ride was awkward, my mom didn't say anything and I just stared at the window, the tension was obvious

When we got there my mom stoped the car and looked at me then sighed "I'm doing this for your own good"

I didn't say anything and got out of the car

We were walking there when someone started calling me, I saw it was Angie and quickly answered

"Hey, where are you?" Angie asked

"Ang I'm not going to school today, I'm not feeling well" I said

"Oh okay, I hope you get better, maybe I could go to your house today, we could hang out and you wouldn't feel so lonely" she said

"Sure seems great, look I gotta go" I said

"Okay get better soon bye" Angie said as I turned the call off

I sighed as I got with my mom into the building

Angie's POV
As I got in school I saw Frances and John, I waved at them and got to them

"Hey guys" I said as they smiled at me

"Hey girl, where's Georges?" Frances asked

"He said he didn't felt good today" I said as Frances smiled

"Are you sad he's not coming?" She asked as I rose a brow at her and shook my head

The bell rang

"Well I should get going mr.J said we had history quiz today" John said as he kissed Frances then left

"I should go too ms.Aldrin gets really mad when we're late" Frances said leaving

I started going to my own class but then I saw Will, he got to me

"Hey Angie" he said as I smiled

"Hey Will"

"Do you got time I wanted to talk to you" he asked as I nodded

"Yeah I'm sure ms.Williams won't be too mad that I'm late, what is it?" I asked

"I know we haven't talked in a while and maybe you hate me but I just want to be friends with you guys again" Will said as I smiled

"I don't hate you Will we're still friends" I said

"I just wanna make it up to her" Will said

"You know what you could seat with us at lunch" I said and Will smiled

"Really?" He asked as I nodded, he hugged me "Thank you so much Ang you're the best"

"I always was" I said as he laughed, I left to go to class

At break I told John that Will was going to seat at our table but told him not to tell Frances

At lunch I got to the table where Frances and John were and sat down

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