Chapter 12: Thanksgiving

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Angie's POV
My house was a mess

It was thanksgiving day which was always made in my house,

The whole family came, and my family is huge, but thankfully only came the people that lived close to New York,

"Angie can you please set the table?" My mom asked while making the food

My siblings were getting ready and my dad was helping them

"Sure" I said

I started getting the plates and setting them on table

Someone knocked on the door

"Already that's odd" my mom said to me going to the door

I shrugged and continued setting the table

My mom opened the door and gasped

I turned around to see who it was, there stood Theo and Philip

"I thought you weren't coming" my mom said smiling

"Yeah well we-" Philip started

"I" Theo said cutting him, he sighed

"Decided to come" Philip said

I smiled, I hadn't seen those two in 4 months, I kinda missed them

"Come in" my mom said as they came into the house

"Well, well look who she is" Philip said as I turned around

"Hey you" I said smiling

"Angie omg" Theo said

"Theo" I said hugging her

"Damn it's been too long" she said as I laughed

"Bro my own sister likes my girlfriend more than me" Philip said

"It's normal" Theo said as we both laughed

"I missed you guys so much" I said

"Same" Theo said

"So how's Princeton?" I asked

"Good it's kinda boring but yeah" Philip said as Theo laughed

"It's actually going great but damn is college exhausting" Theo said as Philip nodded

"Stop it I'm going there next year" I said laughing

"You're gonna love it, have you decided which college are you going to?"

"I was thinking of Columbia or even Princeton but I don't know yet" I said as Theo smiled "did Steph and Ana come with you guys, not even David?" I asked as they shook their heads

"Nope, Steph and Ana said that they had too much to study and David is David you know" Theo said

"I don't even think Ana and Steph are gonna study at all, probably gonna study one another though" Philip said laughing as Theo shook her head

"So I heard a certain someone is back" Theo said looking at me

I smiled and blushed a little "Yeah"

"Who are you guys talking about?" Philip asked

"Frances told me a lot of things that happened" Theo said ignoring Philip

"Really?" I said sighing but smiling

"What happened?, what?" Philip said still confused

"It's not important don't worry babe" Theo said stared at her with suspicion

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