Chapter 9: Night out

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Angie's POV
We got to the cinema and got to the lady on the desk

"So can I choose the movie or?" John asked

"I don't know can we trust you?" I asked as he laughed

"That's up to you" he said as I smiled

"Okay I'll let you choose" I said as he smiled and got to the counter as we waited, we gave our money to the lady

"So we got half an hour till the movie starts" John said

"Y'all wanna go to the supermarket and buy some things to the movie?" Georges asked quietly as we nodded

We got there and started getting some chocolates

"You wanna share this popcorn so that we don't need to pay for two?" Frances asked John as he nodded

Frances had been kind of strange around John I suspected something was happening between them

Me and Georges also decided to share popcorn as we both liked salty popcorn

We placed the things we buyed in our bags and no one said anything

We got to the cinema and sat in our chairs, John sat at the end, Frances sat next to him I sat next to Frances and Georges sat at the other end

As the movie started I realized that it was a horror movie

"This is a horror movie?" I asked whispering

"Yeah, why was there like a problem or something I didn't know th-" John said

"It's fine maybe she won't sleep tonight but she's going to be fine" Frances said as Georges laughed and I rolled my eyes, people started telling us to shut up

We watched the movie and by we I mean Frances, John and Georges I just closed my eyes the entire time and ate popcorn

At the middle of the movie Georges putted his hand above mine I slowly opened my eyes as he smiled at me

"You okay?" He asked as I nodded

"Yeah I'll just be like this the rest of the movie" I said as he quietly laughed "tell me when the movie's over"

"Yeah sure" he said smiling at me and turning to the movie as I closed my eyes once again

Georges POV
When the movie ended we started heading out of the shopping it was already night time we got outside but quickly realized it was raining

"How are we going to go home right now?" Frances asked looking annoyed

"We could run?" John suggested kinda more like a question

"It will take a while though" Frances said sighing

Angie looked thoughtful and smiled

"I've got an idea" she said as she got out of the small facade we were above and getting into the rain

We looked confusingly at her as she smiled and started spinning around

John smiled and got out of the facade too and started laughing with her and get wet

"C'mon guys" he said to me and Frances as Angie laughed and made gestures for us to go

John got to us once again, he looked at Frances and extended his hand to her "do you trust me?" He asked as she rose a brow at him

"I don't know you're pretty crazy" she said "but again I'm too" she said going with him under the rain as they both laughed

"C'mon" Angie said to me as I laughed

"You're crazy" I said as she smiled and got to me

"You know what at this point I'm just like who cares, look at them they're having so much fun" Angie said pointing to Frances and John "c'mon let's have some fun for once and not care what others think"

She gave me her hand as I took it and we both got into the rain laughing as I spinned her and she laughed

People with umbrellas passed through us and gave us weird looks but we didn't care we just danced and laughed

To me at that moment Angie was the only girl in this world, she looked so beautiful and I just couldn't take my eyes off of her

That's when I realized what I had for Angie wasn't just a crush I was in love with this girl, I smiled to myself as I laughed with her

It was getting late so we started making our way to our houses, we made it to Angie and Frances block, Frances lived on one side and Angie lived on the other

John said bye to me and Angie as he got with Frances to the entrance of her apartment, he insisted to get her at the door of her house

Me and Angie got to the entrance of her apartment and she smiled at me

"Tonight was great" she said as I smiled

"Yeah it was" I said still not taking my eyes off of her

She smiled at me, that beautiful smile of hers "I guess I'll see you Monday"

"Yeah see you Monday" I said

She gave me a kiss on the cheek as I blushed

She smiled at me one last time before before getting into the building, when she did I turned around smiling like an idiot and thanking God for putting such an amazing girl in my life

I was wet everywhere my mom was gonna kill me when she saw me but I'll forever and ever say this, it was totally worth it.
So here it is another chapter, I'm honestly so in love with chapter I love it, I hope you like it as well so yeah bye :>

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