Chapter 10: There's more

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Angie's POV
I smiled to myself as I entered my apartment,

I was on cloud nine that's how that boy got me

When we were dancing out there, the way he looked at me just made me feel so special,

I ranged the door bell of my house feeling my mind drift off to another place until my mom opened the door

"Angie what happened to you?" My mom asked me as I woke up from my daydream and looked at her

"I hummm"

My mom sighed "come on you have to take a shower"

I entered my house as James and Aj looked at me a smug smile on their faces

"What happened to you Ang?" Aj asked as I glared at him

"What do you have to do with that?" I said as they both smiled "I don't got time for you guys now" I said going to the bathroom

I took a shower and got ready for bed as it was already late and I was exhausted

I got on my bed and smiled looking at my ceiling I sighed lovingly

I shouldn't feel this way about him but I just couldn't help it, he was the most amazing boy I'd ever met and he actually cared about me

I fell asleep a few minutes later thinking once again of him

I woke the next day feeling tired knowing that I had lots of homework to do,

I got ready and got to my desk sighing at sight of my books

I was studying when someone came into my room and closed the door

"Hey" Frances said as I rose a brow at her

"Hey?" I said as she sat on my bed "why are you here?" I asked as she smiled at me

"You won't believe what happened yesterday Angie, I think I just had my wattpad moment" she said

"What happened?" I asked

"So me and John got into my building and on the elevator we were talking and all of sudden he's like 'you look beautiful today by the way'"

"He said that?" I asked as she nodded

"Yeah but wait there's more, so then I was like super confused like 'thanks' you know then we like got to door of my house and I said like 'so we're here' and he stared at me for a while and then he pulled me closed and then he asked me if he could kiss me, like how pure is that? Then we kissed"

"Wait what?, he kissed you he likes you I knew it" I said and she smiled at me

"But wait there's more" she said as I rose a brow "so then he was like 'I know this sounds stupid but I only wanted for us to go out to be with you' like oh my gosh that's so cute"

"Awww" I said

"But wait there's more, so then he was like 'do you wanna go out with me just the two of us?' and he offered me a rose then I kissed him again"

"Wow you really just had your wattpad moment" I said smiling

"I know but you had it too yesterday, Georges walked you here right?" She asked

"Just until the entrance" I said

"You know he couldn't take his eyes off of you yesterday right?" She said as I shook my head

"Stop inventing things Fran" I said rolling my eyes

"I'm really not, are you kidding me he looked at you like you were the only girl on this world didn't you notice?" Frances said

"Frances please" I said "but about you and John do you like him?"

"Yeah he seems like a nice guy you know" she said smiling

I smiled "that's cute" I said teasing her as she rolled her eyes but smiled

She got up "well I should go, I just came here to spare you a little bit from your homework and you know spill the Tea" she said as I laughed "see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow" I said as she left my room and I heard her saying goodbye to my parents

I sighed thinking about what Frances said the way he looked at me did make me feel special but I was his friend nothing more at least to him

He probably saw me as his sister or something like that,

But at the same time i couldn't help it but wonder if he actually liked me

He probably didn't but sometimes is good to dream
Hope you guys enjoy it, this story is gonna become a total drama just you wait it's gonna get great, but for now I just want to focus on their relationship and the way it's growing up so yeah stay tuned :>
Edit: wow me changing the story again round of applause

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