Chapter 16: Chirstmas break

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Angie's POV
I left my house saying goodbye to my parents and started heading to the train station once again, it was snowing outside and it was really cold

I walked to the station, running to the train I almost didn't catch

Georges sat next to me on the way and we talked for a while, we got to school and saw Frances and John talking to Mary and Will

I waved at them with a smile, they waved back

"Hey guys" I said, they smiled at us

"Hey" Frances said "ugh school is finally over"

"For a few days" John added with a smile, Frances rolled her eyes

"At least I got a few days to relax" Frances said "and were also almost on someone's birthday"

Georges rolled his eyes "Yeah just two days" I said smiling

"You guys better not get too excited it's not that big of a deal anyways" Georges said, I rose an eyebrow

"Of course it is it's your birthday, you're finally gonna be seventeen" I said

"She's right it is important, the youngest is finally gonna be seventeen" Will said laughing, we all laughed, Georges rolled his eyes once again

"You guys I'm gonna go talk to Al but I'll see y'all later" Mary said leaving, the bell rang after she left

"Well i should go I'll talk to you guys later" I said going to my English class

A few hours later I got to the cafeteria, none of my friends were there so I just sat on a table around the corner and ate, while I was eating someone sat on my table

A blonde haired girl with bright eyes sat in front of me, I recognized her as Violetta Seabury, me and Violetta had been really close last year but I hadn't seen her since the end of school so I guessed maybe she moved to another place or something but now she was sat in front of me and I was surprised to see her

"H...Hey Angie it's been a while" she said smiling, I nodded

"Hey Vi" I said with a confused smile "where were you all this time?, I don't see you since the beginning of summer break"

"Yeah me and my family were at London for a few months, my dad had a job there but it ended last week so we came back yesterday" she said with a shy smile

"Ooh London was it fun?, are the people weird?" I said smiling

"It was fun and the people were fine I guess" she said laughing

"Hey Ang" Georges said sitting next to me, he noticed Violetta and waved "oh hi! I don't think we have met yet I'm Georges" Georges said with a smile, I really did love his smile, Violetta smiled back

"Hi! I'm Violetta but you can call me Vi" she said

"Nice to meet you Vi" Georges said, I smiled at the fact that they were getting along

Frances sat down at our table she noticed Violetta "Hey Violetta" she said with a little wave at her, no expression in her face

Violetta smiled a little and got up from our table "well I should go it was nice seeing you Angie" she said, I smiled

"Yeah we still have a lot to catch up on though" I said she nodded with a smile and left

"Okay what do you guys have?" Georges asked pointing to Frances and Violetta

"Nothing we just don't know each other very well" Frances said shrugging and eating her food

"Good evening" John said sliding into the seat next to Frances "food today sucked they had nothing vegetarian so they just got me some crapy salad that doesn't even have salt"

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