Chapter 7: Boyfriend???

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Mary's POV
I had just gotten out of the library, I was studying for English with Frances

"Okay so I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow?" Frances said as I nodded and waved

"Yeah see you tomorrow" I said, Frances started making her way to the door

I got to my locker to put my books inside as I closed the locker Alfred stood there a huge grin on his face

"A-Alfred" I said starting to blush, I've had a crush on him since freshman year

"Hey did it hurt?" He asked as I looked confusingly at him

"What?" I said

"When you fell from heaven?, because you're an angel" he said as I giggled and looked away with blush all over my face

"I think my phone is broken" he said showing his phone to me "it's because it doesn't have your number in it" he said and I laughed "what's your name doll?"

"M-Mary" I answered

"Mary?, that's a beautiful name" he said "so Mary I was thinking maybe you could watch football practice and then we could go eat some ice cream or something like that"

"Are you sure?, you just met me" I said as he smiled

"You're cute I wouldn't miss a chance to go out with a cute girl" he said and I blushed once again

"Okay I'll go" I said as he smiled

"Great it's a date" he said smiling "let's go?" He asked giving me his arm

"Yeah sure" I said taking his arm blushing

I watched his football practice and every time he scored he gestured a kiss with his hands to me as I giggled

When it ended Will noticed me in the bench and got to me

"Hey Mar what're you doing here?" He asked

Frances and Will were still not talking to each other and none of us knew why it had already passed 2 weeks since the first day and they still refused to talk to each other, glaring at each other in the hallway everyday

He didn't talk much to any of us either he only talked to Georges

"Hum I'm actually going out with Alfred" I said as he looked surprisingly at me

"Really?" He asked as I nodded "O-Oh that's c-cool"

"I guess" I said

"Whatever I'll see you tomorrow Mar" he said as I waved

"Bye" I said and he left

Alfred got to me and kissed me, I was took by surprise but kissed him back quickly

"Let's go?" He asked as I nodded blushing

Angie's POV

I woke up with my alarm

I got ready and left my house saying goodbye to my mom, my dad and my brothers

I got to the subway and Georges sat next to me

This had became a normal thing for me now that I did it for 2 weeks

We got to school and parted ways as he had science and I had geography

At break I got to my locker and Frances got to me

"Good morning girl" she said as I smiled at her

"Good morning"

John and Georges started walking to us and John waved

John had been hanging out with us a lot lately we liked him he was funny and he was a good company

"Good morning girls" John said

"Good morning" I said smiling at them


"Hey guys" Mary said with Alfred following her we all looked confusingly at each other

"Hey Mar" Georges said with a confused smile

Alfred made a small wave to us

"So hum you want to explain this to us" Frances said pointing to Alfred and Marys hands that were interlinked

"Yeah, so yesterday Al asked me out and I said yes and we kissed and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and now we're girlfriend and boyfriend" Mary said as the four of us shared a look with each other

How could things go this far on just one date plus Alfred didn't know Mary or so we thought

"T-That's really cool Mar" I said as they nodded

"Yeah congrats" John said with a confused smile on his face

Someone started walking to us, and there stood Ashley Wilson, one of the mean girls but this girl was the chief of the whole group she was the most horrible person I knew

"Hey losers without being you Georges your cute" she said and John looked at Georges confusingly as Georges shrugged

"Hey Al, so I was thinking maybe we could hang out later" Ashley asked as Mar smiled at us

"Actually I'm staying with my girlfriend" Alfred said pointing at Mar with pride, maybe this guys wasn't that much of a jerk as we thought he was

Ashley looked at Mar and gave her a glare  with jealous eyes

"Whatever, bye losers without being you Georges" she said walking away from us

As soon as she was gone John started laughing and we all laughed without being Alfred and Mary

Alfred started calling someone as we looked to see who it was, Will started going to us and Frances looked away

When he got to us Frances gave him a glare and gave her a uncomfortable look

"Hey guys" he said awkwardly waving to us

"I gotta go" Frances said going away as Will sighed

Alfred and Will started talking to each other something about football as the rest of us shared another look

the bell rang

"I should go" Will said awkwardly smiling at us and then going away

"Well I have PE now" Alfred said to Mary

"I have geography I guess I'll see you later" Mary said

"Yeah sure doll" he said "see you guys" he said to us as we smiled at him

"I should go" Mary said walking away

"I have physics now" I said sighing Ms.Aldrin was super boring I was almost sleeping in all of her classes

John's eyes lit up "me too" he said as I smiled at him

"Thank God, at least the class will be way funnier with you" I said as he smiled, Georges sighed

"I have maths with Mrs.Smith" he said as John laughed at him

"Good luck with that" he said as Georges laughed

The rest of the day was normal except the fact that Mary sat on the cool kids table and not with us and she seemed a bit distant but maybe it was just me

On the ride back home I was with Georges

"Hey don't you think Mar was like kinda like ignoring us today?" I asked him as he nodded

"Yeah I noticed but she just started dating a popular guy it's normal, she'll come around soon you'll see" he said

"I guess" I said

I just hoped Mar was not like Will
Hey guys hope you liked this chapter a lot of things will happen from now on also sorry for taking so long I've just been on writer's block lately but it'll be fine so yeah :)

Dancing in the rain (Georgelica)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang