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Lost. What an awful feeling but this is what we tend to feel and come back to. Lost.

When the world decides to be against us, what do we feel? If you answered lost, me too.

Feeling really opens your eyes on why people decide to go to drugs and alcohol that tend to ruin peoples lives.

Its because they are lost. Life gets so hard sometimes y'all.

This is one of the harder seasons I've ever been in and I feel that God is challenging my faith every SINGLE day. It hurts and it feels like its not going to get better but trust God. He says He will make a path and a way for you.

He WILL find you and rescue you. He is a way maker who leaves the 99 and goes after the 1 who decides to run away. Even though we walk away from Him, He wants us. He throws a party when we come back home to Him. No matter how many times we've rejected Him, He still loves us THAT much.

It's really eye-opening to notice the fact that He wants to know us and love us. The God who created the entire universe in 7 days created us in our mother's wombs for 9 months. He knit us in our mother's wombs and we are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. Did you know that we are His most prized possession? If you didn't know, now you know.

God wants to know you! He deems you as irreplaceable and sees you as the light of His world. He values you above all the birds in the sky and creatures of the land. In fact He loves you and wants you so much that He sent His son to die for you.

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