when God wrecks your plans

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I was searching for a light way to start this but I realized I couldn't. 

So I'll say this bluntly.

 God doesn't always say yes to your plans. 

I know you've heard this before but have you started comprehending it? I definitely haven't. 

You guys, I am such a perfectionist. Especially in school. I'm one of those people who freak out over a B.

 Today, I got a quiz grade that was just so sub-par to me and I knew this would drop my average in this one class. And y'all it hurt. I stressed through it this entire day. And guess what, it was a stay at home quiz which was an even worse feeling. But enough about that, what you guys need to know is I was so hurt. I stressed about it and prayed about it but God just felt so distant.

 And let me tell y'all, it's painful to get the feeling that God isn't there for you.

 But let me tell you the truth. God is always there for you. 

You feel that God is distant? Guess what, he's just saying no to your plans. 

And yes, it hurts when He says no but He's saying no for your good. He knows where to lead you and guide you because He is an all-knowing God. He knows His plan for you. Trust in that. Let that sustain you.

But speaking about canceled plans, I was supposed to go to New York for spring break and I was so excited about that but then the arrival of the coronavirus canceled that. Yes, it was kind of upsetting but maybe this is the time when God tells us to stop focusing on what's happening in the world and just focus on Him. 

Maybe He's wrecking your plans to create better plans for you. Maybe your plans would have only led you on the wrong path, the wrong journey away from God. Know that when God wrecks your plans, there's always a purpose and He always has a better plan for you.

He will make ways for you that our human minds can't even comprehend. You guys, this is the God who raises people from the dead, who heals the blind, who cures the sick with one touch. In fact, he stops storms with one word. This is the God we're putting our faith in so start putting your faith in Him. He only wrecks your plans to bring you to better things. He wants better things for us because He loves us and He only wants the best for us.

So know that when God wrecks your plans, there's always a purpose and He will bring you to things you could have never imagined. That is the kind of God He is.

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