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I recently got a haircut and it was way shorter than I expected it to be. I cried for 2 days straight and prayed to God for a miracle to grow my hair back. Crazy, I know, but that was just my feelings and I was so sad because I wasn't used to this change. I went home and took a shower and thought about it and on the third day I stopped crying and realized it didn't look that bad. 

This haircut led to the connection for me that sometimes God places you in areas where you didn't expect to be and sometimes didn't even want to be in. It's those places where you learn to accept where you are and glorify Him where YOU are. 

God places us in those places where the devil says will disappoint us but truly, it's one of those areas when God can really work. Sure you might cry about it and be sad but then you'll learn to love it and appreciate the place God has put you in and see His purpose for you there.

 Yes, it is SO hard at first to adjust to what you feel like goes against your prayers and will but it's God's will for you to be placed there. He wants you to thrive there because He knows you can and His purpose is greater than you could ever imagine. 

He has a purpose in those places where your prayers feel unfulfilled and I promise you EVERY single time, God's purpose is greater and more vivid than ours could ever dream to be. 

I'm praying for you guys that are in a place of adjustment and change. Know that God has a purpose for everything and He works for the good of those people who place their trust in Him!

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