Chapter 50 : Ceremony

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Max was standing next to Moussa and Gabrielle. They were surrounded by militaries wearing their uniforms, facing a scene with Lucas, Jane, and some other persons on it. The chief of the Army was making a speech to explain why these people deserved a medal.

- "I'm glad he didn't give too much details on what happened," murmured Max.

- "I think Sinclair told him to not to," whispered Gabrielle.

- "It's better like that, too many people know about it," added Moussa with his voice down.

The two girls agreed. Max tried to keep smiling, trying to encourage Jane, but the girl was looking down, waiting for this to end. She had her hands on her back, not wanting the others to see her shake. The chief announced the persons chosen to give the medals. Beverly proposed herself for Lucas and Jane, wanting to thank them in her own way. She began with Lucas. The black man had a big smile on his face, but she could see he was a bit stressing.

- "It's gonna be okay," murmured Bev while placing the medal on his chest at the level of his heart.

- "I hope," smiled Lucas.

The redhead kissed his cheek before taking him in her arms. Lucas tightened the hug with his left arm under the proud eyes of his girlfriend and friends. Bev broke the hug with a big smile for him, before stepping aside to face Jane now. The brunette was looking down, thinking she didn't deserve a medal; after all, she didn't do much. Bev leaned to catch her eyes and tried to cheer her up with a smile. Jane had a weak smile, that faded, but looked up. The redhead placed the medal on the uniform before putting her hands on her cheeks and wiping the tear which was falling.

- "I wouldn't be here without any of you," told Bev. "I know you won't keep it."

Jane lightly nodded. Bev kissed her cheek before wrapping her arms around her. Jane was shyer, but still hugged her too.

- "She is shaking," pouted Max.

- "Of course she is, it's still hard for them," told Gabrielle.

- "I know."

When the chief of the Army finished his speech and let them leave the scene, Max wasn't surprised to see Jane taking off her medal. The redhead joined her in the crowd, Jane still looking down.

- "You're okay?" asked Max.

- "Yeah. (holds out the medal) Here, you're the one who should have a medal for everything you had done when I came back."

- "What? No, Jane, I can't, it's yours."

- "I don't want a medal if you don't have one too. Keep it, please. You deserve it more than me."

- "I don't know what to say, (takes it) thank you!"

- "Don't thank me, I thank you."

Max felt happy tears coming in her eyes; she was so touched by Jane's words. She put her head on her girlfriend's shoulder before wrapping her arms around her. She felt Jane's shaking arms tightening her, warming her heart.

- "I love you," sniffed Max.

- "I love you too."

Max broke the hug and kissed her multiple times before wiping her eyes. Jane grabbed her hand and began to walk with her in direction of Gabrielle who was alone.

- "She gave you her medal! So cute, I'm sure Sinclair is going to keep his," joked the black-haired girl.

- "You'll have better, don't worry," smiled the redhead.

- "Better than a medal? You mean, a gold bar!?"

- "What else!" chuckled Jane.

Gabrielle playfully rolled her eyes while Max and Jane were chuckling. They saw Bev and Moussa arrive, helping Lucas who had his right leg bended.

- "Why is your leg like that?" frowned Gabrielle.

- "Well, it's been a while we've been together, and we got through hard moments, especially because of me, but you're still here with me, and I still think you're not real, you're a just in my mind, because someone this perfect staying with me is miraculous," began Lucas. "(Jane and Max went of each side of the boy to hold his arms and help him to put his right knee on the floor) Would you do me the honor to become my wife?" asked the black boy, holding out a ring.

Gabrielle put her hands on her mouth to hide her surprised expression, while her eyes were wide opened.

- "Is this real!?"

- "More than real."

- "Of course, I want! Yes! Yes! That's a big yes! Million yes!"

Jane and Max helped him to stand, Moussa and Bev placing the right leg correctly, while everyone around was applauding them. Once ready, Gabrielle took her future husband in her arms for a long kiss.

- "You would have asked me in marriage if we could?" asked Max, applauding.

- "You already have my medal, that's enough," joked Jane.

- "Pff, you're stupid, I was serious!"

- "Well, I don't want to look like straight couples!"

- "Okay, I get it, you wouldn't have."

- "I would have, but I can't, so, I prefer not thinking about it."

Max had a sad smile and rubbed Jane's back. She knew Jane was still mad after the world to not be allowed to live like everyone else. Gabrielle appeared and took the two girls in her arms before breaking it and telling:

- "This is so much better than a medal!"

- "'Told you," smiled Max.

- "You'll have so much to do!"

- "What?" frowned Jane.

- "You thought I wouldn't choose my two favorites lesbians as my maids of honor!?"

- "We stupidly thought that, yes."

- "Well, you thought wrong! But if you don't want I would understand."

- "Don't be stupid, we accept!" told Max.

- "Great! Bev accepted too!"

The black-haired girl kissed their cheeks before joining Sinclair and Moussa while Bev was arriving near the two girls.

- "I'll have to wear a dress," stated Jane with horror.

- "You look great in dress," said Max.

- "I know, but I don't like wearing dresses."

- "For one day, it's not impossible, right?" smiled Bev.

- "I guess. Damn, we'll have to go shopping!"

- "Okay, take a breath, Jane, we won't do it today!" chuckled Max.

- "I hope, I'm not ready for that!"

The two redheads chuckled and playfully shook their heads. They joined Lucas and Gabrielle to congratulate them before leaving the place to celebrate it at the restaurant. After everything they bore, they deserved this happiness waiting for them.

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