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Aloha walks back to the square thinking about what he just did to Army...
(I should feel guilty for doing that...but it was just once no worries.)

He then spots his teammates from a far so he walks over to them to say hello since he hasn't seen them in two days. The three pink squids spot their leader and wave over to him.

"Hey Aloha were have you been?" Diver greeted with a smile. Aloha was still on the fence about telling them that he's been hanging with Army for a few days now, so he just lied to them even if he didn't like to, besides he doesn't even know if Army wants anyone to know. Well Forge does know they hung out today just not other days.

"Oh you know just thinking about new ideas for a upcoming party~" Aloha laughed out with both of his hands resting behind his head.
"Nice~ anyway we we're going to call you for a battle. Want to?" Octoglasses asked
"We can put that training to some use!~" Straw jumped with excitement.
"Sure why not~ let's go~" with that Aloha and his teammates left into the tower.


Team pink won the battle against inkfall's team and boy was it a awesome round. The team leaves together and stops to chat in the square.
"That was the best round~" Octo smiles with both hands in the air.

"They didn't know what was coming! It was great~" Diver laughed out with one hand resting on the back of his head. Aloha and Straw just smile at the two laughing squids.

"Aww man..it was fun, Aloha want to do anything after this?" Diver asked his leader, but Aloha was on his phone.
"Aloha!?" Straw said louder to him which snapped him back into the conversation.
"What? Sorry I have to leave bye~" Aloha walked off leaving the three. Diver sighed out and turned the other way.

"Somethings up with Aloha he seems to be sneaking around lately..." Diver put his hands in his pockets and walked off with Straw who nodded in agreement. Octo stayed behind and watched Aloha leave but then went after him because she noticed something.

(I feel bad lying to them but I'm not sure if Army wants anyone to know..) Aloha walks more and more to his destination which is back to Army's place to see if he's done speaking with Forge.
"Aloha!" He heard someone call his name but he knew that voice, he turned around fast to see the inkling running after him.

"Octo!?" Aloha walked closer to the pink inkling who now caught up.
"What are doing follow me~" Aloha said in a flirtatious tone with his hand resting up against his chin.

"You've been shady lately, you don't hang with us as much as you used to...what's up with that?" Octo stares directly into Aloha pink eyes. She seriously want to know what's going on with him.

"I'm not being shady, I told you I'm just planning for a upcoming party~" that lie was a bad one because Octo knew him really well.

"Liar. You never plan your parties not even the big ones. I'm surprised the others didn't even catch that" Octo huffed crossing her arms. Aloha was trapped now, he looked at her for a while and thought up something else.

"Well...this one needs planning it could be better.." Aloha lifted his right hand to his head and rubbed the back. Octo saw what she noticed back at the square. She took Aloha right wrist and held it to her so she can see it better.

"A ring..." she lowly let out. Aloha now started panicking trying to take his hand back but she had a good grip.

"Did someone give you this?" She looks up to Aloha
"No. No one gave me it, I just like how it looks..." Aloha tried to sell that lie with a smile but she was smart to realize it.

"Aloha...tell me the truth, what's going on with you?" She now let go of his wrist and waited for him to speak. Aloha took her hand and led him to his house.
(Guess Army will have to wait...)

_Aloha's Place_

"Sit..." Aloha let out in a low tone. She followed his orders and sat on the couch. He walked around his living room a bit holding his hands together while his chin rests on them. He then sits in a chair in the corner of the room and starts to talk.

"...Army gave me it..." Octo showed a flat smile on her face like if he was joking. She laughed and said
"Your joking right?" Aloha slowly shakes his head and then she stand up. It was her turn to pace around the room and think.

"I KNEW IT!!" She laughed and pointed at Aloha, he gazed at her in disbelief with his eyes wide open.
"What do you mean you know!? Knew what!!" Aloha stood up so he can be at eye level with her.

"You and Army!! Are a thing!! AHH I knew it~" she squealed hugging herself. Aloha was now in panic mode.

"No..no no no no no me and Army aren't a thing! We are just...friends.." Octo's eyes light up with joy.
"Your friends awwwwwwAlohaaaa~" she smiles bright and big, Aloha started to blush at how happy she's getting about him and Army.

"Look! Me and Army are just hanging out. That's why I haven't been around you guys that much...I just wanted to get to know him better that's all..." Aloha smiled a little and blushed, but Octo saw.
" *gasp!* you like him! Or is it more?!~" she jumped over to him and held his shoulders.

"What! No... No it's just a friendship that's all..."
"Your terrible at lying~" she beamed with a smile
"Are you and him getting closer?" She asked now taking a sit back on the couch.

"Yeah~ I know a few things about him...we have just been connecting-" he stopped talking after he saw the look on Octoglasses face.

"..." he blushed knowing what she's thinking.
"You looovvveeee~ him" mocking the poor squid
"Stop...look you can't tell the others or anyone about this! Please!" He begged looking into her eyes showing he was being serious. She nods in understand meant, Aloha gets up and walks to the kitchen. She stays back but then follows.

"You two...haven't told anyone about you guys...have you..." Aloha paused and looks down at his kitchen floor. (... my floors filthy.) Aloha looks over to Octo who held a look that's full of questions.
"No we haven't, told anyone. We just been having fun while we still can..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean before people start to find out, about us...before it's all over..." Aloha frowned at the thought of his fun times ending with Army. Octo understood what he means, people would talk about how different the two are every day, so if they found out, then it would be a canyon full of questions.

"I won't tell. You two should enjoy each other's company, and also the ring he gave you..."
She smiles
"It's cute~"
"Shut.up~" Aloha blushes
"So were you heading to his place before I stopped you?"

"Yeah actually...I wanted to see is he still would like to hang...but also to see if Forge left..." Aloha rolled his eyes a little
"Oh~ did she interrupt something~" Octo laughed but Alohas blush was even more notable.
"Wait. Did she?"

"Umm. Well not really but in a way she did..."
"Aloha What did you two do"
"It's not really what 'we' did but what 'I' did...I... *kissed him*..." Aloha whispers the last part but Octo heard it.
"You kissed him!! Aloha-"

"But the worst part was that he was asleep!" Aloha cut Octo off which made her shut her mouth and stare at him in disbelief.
"I know. I know."
With that out of the way the two pink squids now stand in silence waiting for this awkward moment to blow over.

[This one wasn't the best, my apologies..]

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