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Army, Aloha and the others all walk down the halls to their rooms. Like before White sailor and Forge share a room, Blue Sailor gets his own room, and Aloha and Army share one.

Inside the two squids room Army places his bag on a near by chair, then moves slowly over to the bed,  falls face first into the bed, then lays still there in the one spot. Aloha drops his bag on the same chair and walks over to the bed and takes a set.

Aloha didn't really know what to say to him. He felt terrible for not stopping his father the first time and not being by his side..he just felt upset, frustrated, just plan out awful for letting this happen to the one guy he's...
Aloha let's out a slow sigh then places his hand on Army's back and rubs it slowly with his thumb.
"...Aloha..." Army said softly while his face is still buried in the sheets of the bed.

"Yes Army.." Aloha looks over to him. Army turns his head to Aloha but the side of his face still laying on the bed.
"...Thank you..for..everything.." Aloha was completely shocked and confused.
"What exactly did I do!? Army I didn't do anything! I. I'm the one who left you alone with your father! I wasn't by your side. I didn't want you too feel alone..But! I" Army then got up and hugs Aloha.
"Thank you for showing me how to have fun..with you. gave me confident to tell my father off. I didn't want to live by his rules anymore, when you showed me how to just have stupid fun, I wanted to keep doing that. With You!" Aloha started to treble in Army's grasp but he held Army closer.

"But..your dad.." Army then let go of Aloha then let his head drop to the floor.
"He doesn't want to see me. I'm a disgrace to my family.." Army gets  up and leaves to change into his night clothes. Aloha wanted to stop him but he let him go.


"You can take the bed. You look exhausted" Aloha said moving away from the bed so Army could sleep on it.
"Aren't you tired?" Army asked laying down on the bed.
"No. Not really..please just sleep"
Army nods then turns to his side and drifts off to sleep. Aloha exists the room and takes a step outside into the hall.
(I want to cheer him up..he shouldn't feel this way. This trip is awful..but we still have two more days before we head back! I want to make the most of it!)
Aloha then got a idea he grabs his phone and runs off down the hall.


Army is still sound asleep on the bed. He was having a rather good dream for such a horrible day. But that came to a end because he was then shaken awake by who other.
"!" He turns around to be faced with Aloha.
"..What The Hell Aloha!!" He growls through his teeth, but Aloha presses a finger to his lips.
"Meet me outside in front of the hotel! I have something to show you~" and with that Aloha ran off. Army stares at the door he just exited, he then gets off the bed, puts on his shoes, and starts to leave his room.

Army gets outside and looks around to spot Aloha. then sees him leaning up against the hotel wall. Aloha notices him, he then smiles and takes Army's hand.
"Wait where are we going?" Army asked
Aloha didn't answer instead he just walked fast and lead him away from the hotel. It's a cool night, where the sky was clear, the stars shine bright and the moon beams with it's beautiful aura.
Army sees this all and feels nothing but joy.
Army and Aloha ends up in the forest where Aloha held his surprise.

"Where here~" Aloha spins Army around for him to get a look at what Aloha did. It was a small clearance trees were still around them but it was a nice space. Army can see small lanterns hanging in the trees, with little candles in then that gave off a calm glow.
"Aloha?" Army then turns around and sees Aloha standing with a smile.
"Care to dance with me once more Army~" Aloha places his hand outward for Army to take.
Army smiles genuinely at him and takes hold of it.

"Why are we doing this?" Army questioned but still held a smile.
"I want you to know Army..that whenever your sad I'll dance with you, Care for you when your sick, Be here when you need me to be." Aloha held onto Army tighter.
"And..Love you with all my heart.." Army was surprised at what he just heard..
"What did you say.."
"I'll love you with all my heart"
Army then steps back and looks at Aloha who was blushes at what he said. He feared that he messed up.

Army smiles then pulls out the chain that hangs around his next and under his clothes. He hooks off the ring that was on it, then places it on his finger.
"Wait what are you. Army didn't you tell me t-"
"I know what this means..and I mean it." Aloha was now the one surprised.
"Wait so does that mean.. that we. That you."
Army smiles and grips Aloha chin, and press his lips onto Alohas soft ones. Aloha was feeling so happy in this moment.

The kissed seemed to fill each other with absolute joy, the warm feeling they felt when they locked. Army places his hand behind Alohas head, Aloha just held Army's face and kissed him so intensely that he felt like the whole world was spinning.

"Army..." Aloha huffed out when they pulled away.
"I want you to be with me Aloha. I want you to be mine." Army strokes Aloha tentacles.
Army nods then places a kiss on him one more time.
"Will you stay with me.." Army asked
"..Yes. Yeah I Will!" Aloha beamed holding a big smile on his face. Army pulls him into a hug and kisses his cheek over and over again with excitement. Aloha jumps up and wraps his legs around Army's waste. The two squids spin around and laugh.
"I love you.."
Aloha says shyly.
"I love you too"
Army says with no doubt
The two smile and head back to their room once they were finished having their dance.


The two lay on the bed holding one another. Aloha hums while leaning on Army, and Army just strokes Alohas tentacles.
"Umm. Army..I have to tell you something.."
"What is it?"
Aloha hesitating to tell him but gets it out
"That one day..when Forge told you the news that you had to head back home...well before she came..I..kissed you..when you were asleep.." Aloha clenches his eyes. Army nods in understand meant and sits up on the bed.
"So it wasn't a dream then.."
Aloha then sits up
"So you knew!?"
"We'll sort of. Like I just said I thought it was a dream.. But that doesn't matter anymore." Army turns to Aloha and kisses him.
"Army.." Aloha holds Army face
"You can kiss me whenever you want." Army smiles. Aloha then shows a smirk
"Your so going to regret those words in the future~"
"As long as your in it with me.."
"Oh Army..your so cheesy~"
Then the two fall back onto the bed and drift off into a nights sleep.

- This is Almost finished so for the next story what ship would you like me to do next?

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