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It was the next day, second period and you had science. Getting to your science classroom made you shiver as you had to pass by the room that student had been murdered in.

You scribbled on the edge of your planner, lost in thought. You had to be prepared for what was coming. This won't last for a month only, it could last longer if you won't come up with a plan asap.

The bell rung and you had your free time to spend. You walked past the hallway again and sat in the library for the first time since Alice had passed away. It was quiet-

"-Hey." A deep voice caught your attention.

You looked up to find Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Oh, hi." Your eyes went back to looking back at the table.

You haven't been able to meet with them since they've started to arrive at school late for some reason.

"How's Yoongi?" Jungkook asked, taking the seat beside you. Taehyung then sat next to him.

"He's alright-" You notice Taehyung elbow Jungkook slightly, pulling a serious face at him.

"That's great." Taehyung smiled.

"So how have you been Y/N?"

"Obviously not so well." You whispered.

You have officially killed the mood. Well done.


An awkward pause lasted after that last comment.

"So what have you guys been up to?" You look up and asked, trying to get a conversation to start.

"Nothing much. But we've been hanging out with Yoongi and Namjoon." Jungkook gave a friendly smile and Taehyung attempts to secretly nudge him.

"Cool. So what have you been doing?" It seems like 'so' has become your word of the day, huh.

"Well, uhm, we've been, making, plans, to go to, the, uhm, arcade."

You laughed at him, "Why are you stuttering so much."

"He's just a bit nervous because he hasn't talked to you in a while." Taehyung laughs along.

"I see." You smile.

The bell rings for third period.

"Well I'll see you guys later." All of you stood up.

"Yep, we'll see you later." Taehyung waves and they both leave first.

You then leave to go to maths, your most dreaded subject.


(im doing so many time skips lmao, sorry) It's finally the end of school and you wait for Yoongi to get to the school gate. Instead of Yoongi, you see Taehyung and Jungkook heading towards you.

"We meet again." Taehyung says, "Are you waiting for your brother?"

"Mhm. But he's late for some reason."

"He actually left early."

"Oh. Well where did he go?"

"I'm not sure-"

"-Didn't he go to the-"

Taehyung steps on Jungkook's shoe.

"It seems like Jungkook knows. Where did he go?"

"There's an abandoned block of apa-"

"-He probably went to the shops nearby a block of apartments." Taehyung interrupted.

"I'll try looking there, thanks." You grew suspicious. Jungkook was a give away but Taehyung had always made some kind of movement as a warning. It was obvious that something seemed off but you couldn't say anything just yet.

"No problem! We'll see you tomorrow!" Jungkook waved as Taehyung tugged his arm, as they walked out the gate.

You knew that Jungkook was going to say an abandoned block of apartments. And you knew Taehyung lied.

I guess this is another mystery for you to solve.

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