Charlie had gone back to Romania, claiming that Misty, a dragon he had purchased in Italy while there had fallen ill. Astrid knew it was wrong but she was glad to see him leave. He made her feel things, things that confused her. Why was she feeling like this when she was in love with Oliver? Sirius was busy with something in his office, McGonagall and Moody with him. Astrid wished she knew what they were talking about.
She looked up from where she sat when the portrait of Salazar Slytherin informed her that she had a visitor. Nymphadora had bought her the portrait as a late gift, and somehow, Astrid loved it. Even though Salazar would whine about how his heir had failed him and about how much he would have loved to know the puddgy woman sitting on a couch and Astrid assumed it was Walburga.
"Harry said I'd find you here." Leo spoke as he lingered at the door. "They're leaving in two hours to catch the portkey to the train station."
"Oh, thank you." Astrid replied, looking at Salazar and he shrugged. "You don't have to stand there you know." Astrid said and they made eye contact. It was painful but she managed to hide it with a crooked smile and Leo sat next to her.
"What's that?" Leo asked, pointing to the sketch pad she had in her hands. Astrid blushed a bright red as he finally noticed what she had been sketching and she closed it.
"I sketch." She said, her throat wanting to close up with embarrassment. "Sometimes. When I find enough inspiration."
Leo swallowed hard. "And... he inspires you?" He asked and Astrid sighed. The answer was a definite yes but she could not admit it to Leo.
"Perhaps." She shrugged. "I think."
Leo hesitated, feeling himself shrink back into old habits. "Can I see them? The sketches I mean."
Astrid was about to say no, she didn't anyone knowing that she didn't sketch her boyfriend at all, that instead, she sketched herself and Charlie living in Romania, surrounded by dragons and magical children. Instead, she said, "Okay."
It was painfully quiet, except for Astrid's breathing and Leo often turning the page to look at a new sketch.
"They're absolutely beautiful Astrid." Leo said at last and she sighed. He had stopped at the sketch she hated the most, Cedric's. Here, he looked happy. Astrid had told him a joke and he had erupted with laughter and later that day, Astrid sketched him. He turned the page and landed at a sketch that made his cheeks burn with awkwardness and Astrid's burned with embarrassment. "Why did you draw me?"
"I'm sorry I said all those awful things about you Leo. I know I've said it before but I truly am sorry." Astrid said, running a hand through her dark hair. "And I drew you to see how similar you are to Cedric. See, you've got the same smile. And your eyes crinkle like his used to whenever he laughed hard." She smiled half heartedly.
Leo didn't respond. Of course he had suspected this but he didn't want it to be true. Instead, he flipped to another sketch, this one was of Astrid herself and a boy with red hair and freckles scattered carefully across his cheeks. Charlie was kissing her cheek in this one, Astrid beaming as her hands were on the obvious bulging belly.
"Do you love... Charlie?" Leo asked, flipping through the pages, seeing more and more sketches of Charlie alone or them together. Astrid sighed. She needed to know the answer to that one herself.
"Perhaps," She had said, biting down hard on her knuckle, only stopping when she tasted the warm metallic taste flood her mouth. "I think."
She had gone with them to the train station, waving goodbye to them as they boarded the train. Fred and George both had placed two kisses on both her cheeks, earning a slap behind the head by Ginny, who was blushing a bright red, clearly embarrassed her bothers had done that. Hermione had handed her a thick book, telling her to only open it at home, alone. Harry had awkwardly given her a hug and Astrid begged him to take care of himself, he assured her he will. She didn't believe him. He had James' wild spirit and Lily's stubbornness, the two were a bad mix. Ron had handed her what seemed to be a locket and claimed he and Ginny made it themselves. Astrid nearly cried when she saw an old photograph of her, Cedric and Oliver in their respectful Quidditch house colors, beaming brightly at the camera. She remembered that Colin Creevey had taken the picture, two days before he had been petrified.
"That's a very thick book my star, where'd you get it?" Sirius asked that night as they lazily sat in Astrid's room. She had been renovating it again, this time, no serpent greens. She had painted it now a various colors of blue and purple, trying to copy the Nebula of stars she had seen.
"Hermione gave it to me before they left for Hogwarts." She said as she opened it. "I don't even know what it is." She admitted and Sirius scooted closer and they began looking at the book. The first page consisted of Astrid's crushes and lovers and stuff. Her eyes widened when she saw Charlie's name. How in Merlin's name did Hermione know about her crush on Charlie? She turned the page as quick as possible when her eyes landed on Percy's name because she was sure she didn't have a crush on him.
The second page was filled with photographs of them, all moving. Sirius eyed her funny but said nothing, to which Astrid was extremely grateful. The third page made her shut the book with such force, Salazar jumped. She apologized to both Sirius and the portrait and stuffed the book under her bed, and it landed on top of the forgotten letters.
"Pretty locket." Sirius said casually, as though he hadn't seen a list of all the things Astrid's crushes liked to do just moments ago. Astrid made a mental note to write to Hermione and ask her what in hells name was that.
"Ron and Ginny made it for me." They were plunged into aching silence until Salazar yawned loudly before he plopped on the chair and dozed off.
"Are you still with that Oliver boy?"
"Yes." She said, and felt an unknown feeling bloom inside her.
"And you love him?" Astrid hesitated and Sirius noticed that.
"Yes," Astrid said. "Yes, I do." And it sounded as though she wasn't only trying to convince Sirius but herself as well. Sirius noticed that too.

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