02. Daisies In The Vase

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Chapter Two
Daisies In The Vase


Her hazy mind wakes
To a pleasant morning
Minutes before the alarm;
No tear stains on pillow.

She tries to wipe away
The dream laying on her eyes.

Sun rays rush in through drapes
Daisies in the vase
Room bright as her heart.

Stepping from her bed
Her legs land on the ground
The silk sheets glide down her body
Forming a pool of fabric around her feet.

A scent lingered
Swaying around her body.
Following it away from her bed
She let the beams touch her pale skin
And smiled at herself in the mirror.

The glass cracked; Shattered.
Pieces digging in the eyes;
Her reflection still smiling in broken glass.

She woke on the bathroom floor
Rolled in her own filth;
Water dripping from the leaking faucet.


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