08. Vessel

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Note: Strong theme, reader discretion is advised.

Trigger Warning

Chapter Eight


As the night falls
Again at her doorstep
She is pacing in her room
Awaiting the hunting hour
When all the demons
Arrive to take a piece.

In the mirror, she saw only flaws
Hidden from the world
Under those layers of
Oversized fabric.

The whispers now only getting louder
Speak to her boldly
Telling her vessel of flesh
Isn't worth striving for.

"You know deep down
That curve on your hip
Could never appeal
The thousand eyes
Judging every inch.
The scale has spoken
Its numbers,
That will be engraved
As your identity forever."

"I was born in this body
That I never got to choose
And now you ask me to change
Be something that fits the catalogs.

My peers say I could lose
A few pounds;
Maybe change the shape of my nose
Add a little pink to those lips.

If more bones were visible,
My breasts perked as they wanted
And the folds on my stomach severed.
My skinny arms had more life
And my thighs were just right
To squeeze in those jeans.
Maybe the shoulders were more concealed
My tresses long and thick
And I had ocean blue eyes."

"Look at this vessel
That you let them infiltrate."

"It doesn't feel mine anymore."


There is so much I want to add, there is so much I need to say. But i feel my words wont be able to give justice to the depth this topic holds. 

It doesn't matter if you are a male, female or a non-gender reformed person, body image has been a war we are fighting consciously and unconsciously since we were born. It is so difficult to categorize it since our wars are so different from each other.

Loving yourself no matter what your vessel is, feels like a generic cure to a trauma that you have endured throughout your life. But it does work. The love that you give your body comes by accepting your flaws, accepting that it is okay not to be perfect. This war is not going to over until your last breath. You need to keep reminding yourself that as long as you are healthy mentally and physically, there is no need to change what you are born with.

This chapter is open to discussion. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section and know that you aren't alone through this.

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned, more chapters coming soon.

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