04. Snow Globe

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Chapter Four
Snow Globe


Her life resembled a snow globe
A fairytale, frozen in time.
An unsettling tune repeating
As the snowflakes fly,
Creating a beautiful chaos
Displayed to stranger's eyes
Smudged with fingerprints of past.

But when the white glitter
Finally, settles
She sees the real world,
The ugliness,
The creatures that crawl
Outside the bubble.
And demons await
A fracture in the glass.

So she keeps rattling her core
Spinning and swirling
Only to save
The happy ever after.

Today, the fragile snow globe
Is knocked off the ledge.
As it falls
The snow floats one last time.
It crashes to the floor
Leaving a puddle
Of what once was a beautiful lie
She lived in;
Now only a ghost town
Made of broken pieces.



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