06. Eulogy

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Chapter Six


Her body laid
On blood-stained floor
Waiting for the reaper
To collect her soul.
Speaking to herself
She wondered
How will it all be
After her. 

"When I leave,
Will they weep
Holding my cold hand?
Will there be an open casket
So they can see my last smile?
Will my friends give a heartfelt eulogy
Filled with anecdotes
And recite my verses in the end?

Hope they know
When I am lost
The heaven hasn't gained an angel
Nor did the world lose someone kind.
Simply a troubled soul finding peace
Into a void of nothingness.
I am leaving behind
The demons I carried
And the spirits that haunted my nights.

My soul will be long gone
Before you say your goodbyes.
As the sun sets on my life
Dress me up in the color I like
Do not scribe a stone for me.
Rest me under the Sakura tree
So when the spring arrives
I am blanketed in petals of pink,
Warm at last.

Mourn not the life I left behind.
I have found a home
In the eternal silence.
Let not the guilt becloud your heart;
Hold someone of love
And shed a few tears
For maybe hope is all
They need today."




Breaking my pattern of posting two poems, I've decided just to stay with this one today. Let the feelings this poem erupted settle into our hearts

Someone once told me, when you leave, the close ones are filled with guilt of not seeing the patterns that let to this. And they said, "unanswered loss is more painful". These words have been stuck in my head ever since.

The note that they leave behind is always filled apologies for not trying harder, for not living up to the life others created. They blame their own incompetence to fight the demons living in them.  

What I hear a lot is, "You are leaving behind more pain to your loved ones by doing this" and even, in the end, you still have to think about others, the ones that never heard your screams.

This chapter is open to discussion. Do share your thoughts in comment section and let me know what you feel about the chapter.

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for more chapters.

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