07. Cancer

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Note: Strong theme, reader discretion is advised.

Chapter Seven


She lost countless battles
Lost this one with death too.
Numerous attempts
And yet she failed.

The whispers mocked her failures.
Spreading like cancer
Dissolving her mind
Infesting her thoughts
They terrorized her soul.

The horrors of carrying
Ghosts of dead
Engulfed her life.
But death doesn't
Seem to come easy too.

Even in this trembling darkness
Her body begged for life.
Her body pleas every night;
Healing the cuts,
Emptying the guts,
Drying the tears,
Trying to save what was
Left of hers.

It glued her back
Every morning
Hoping the demons
Would finally be finished
And depart.


When you fight yourself, you fight your own mind but your body fights harder than you. After you reject sustenance, it still keeps breathing for you, dissolving parts of itself just to feed the hungry stomach. It lets you drift into sleep when your mind is too broken to fight anymore. 

In those last moments when you think this is the end and there is no more, your body gives life another chance. It heals you, hoping tomorrow is better than what was today.

This chapter is open to discussion. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section and know that you aren't alone through this.

Thank you for reading

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