Loki's sister

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Everyone knows of the story of Thor and Loki. Brothers, one wanting power and the other still creating his new destiny. But what if you heard this story that took you where you never thought that you could go. The story of Loki and Thor's little sister.


Odin gave me a second chance at life in Asgard. I only took it because of mother. She didn't want to see me in the dungons for the rest of my life. But during the time that I spend back in Asgard. I discovered something that I had to share with someone. And so I went to Thor.

"What is it you want brother?" He asked while coming to tye balcony where i was looking out into the water.

"Can I not have a chat with you, savoir of earth?" I asked back.

"I know that you called me for something that deems important to you." He said with a smirk.

"Well its seems that i might have a sister."

"A sister? From Jutomheim? How can that be possible?"

"I can just feel that something was left behind, that is also a part of me. It's a connection that is somewhere out there waiting for me to get back." I explained while looking at him.

"We should go tell mother maybe we could find her out there. And bring her home."

"You don't think that im crazy? About actually having a sister?"

"Loki, when you talk passionatly about something like that, I know that you are not lying."

We went to mother and I explained the entire idea about having a sister. Hoping that she didn't think that I wasn't going insane.

"I believe that you should go to Midgard. No matter what that S.H.E.I.L.D says about my son. Go find her and bring her here." Mother said.

Me and Thor didn't believe that mother would actually let us do this. But she did. Heimdell used the Bifrost to take us to Midgard the very next morning.

"Be carefull, Loki. And be nice." Those were the last words I heard from Heimdell as we jumped to the Bifrost.

Took us about a good minute or so to get to New York. The last place that I should be.

"Come brother. Let's go looking for someone that we know very well." Thor said to me as he was looking at the Stark building in the middle of Mannattan.

We went to the front doors and went to the top floor. No one was really guarding it and they didnt seem to mind. As we came to a stop, we heard voices that sounded familiar. The doors opened and thats when we saw them. Those so called "Avengers" that protect the earth from danger. It was obvious that they saw us and they werent so pleased to see me.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HE DOING HERE?!" Tony Stark shouted.

"Just let us explain friend Tony. He doesn't mean you harm." Thor defended me.

Then I started explaining what happened over the couple days up til the time that we came to this ugly building.

"So you have a sister? And you want it's top help you find her?" That captain America asked.

"Yes. That is basically it." I answered back.

"How are we so sure that we can trust you, after what you did the last time that you were on Earth?" The archer asked me obviously not trusting me.

"Trust my rage." I replied with a smirk that I give Thor all the time back at Asgard.

"Hopefully Fury will believe you. We need his approval if we are going to find your sister." The Hulk said. Well he wasn't really big and green. He was normal.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get started." Thor said and started heading to the elevator.


Heyyyy guys so this also another fanfic that I made. I have so many ideas of whats going to happen. So enjoy. Will update as soon as I can. :-) :-) :-)

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