Baby bear 🇷🇺🇺🇸

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Americas POV

I'm 19 years old, sitting in a nice bar next to my best friend, who is drunk off his rocker.

He's 22, his name is Russia and he's... he's pretty awesome actually.

This is basically what we do every weekend, we go out for drinks, even if I can't drink yet. I simply ask for a glass of coke and smile.

I watch Russia down another shot, he turns to me and smiles wildly. I smile back, and he whipped back to the bartender to ask for another shot, with a smirk and a side of flirting.

My smile fades.

Me and Russia met when he had gotten my mail instead of his own, but when he came to return it to me, I was on my way to work, which just happened to be a waiter at the restaurant next door to his favorite bar.

He played me like I was a game that even a three-year-old could beat, easily tying me around his snobby stupid fingers.

He was oddly smooth with everything he said and did with me.

"I was just heading that way, mind if I catch a ride?" He asked, grinning softly.

I'm not too social, I'm rather shy honestly, so when he asked I couldn't bring myself to tell him no.

"I-I guess?" I quirked a brow slightly, my hand wringing at the strap that held my work bag as we both made our way to my car.

I had the small duffel bag thrown over my shoulder, full of clothes and other necessities. Once we reached the car, I rushed to open the door.

He started small talk. "So, how has your day been?"

I tossed my bag into the back seat, then sat down into the driver's seat and quickly closed the door, answering his question with an awkward chuckle.

Russia plopped down in the passenger seat, almost as if he was used to getting in my car, he has buckled in already. I buckled myself then jammed the key into the slot and turned it, the car fired up and we were off.

He talked to me, smiled, laughed. We were friends the first time we met.

The second time we 'met' up, he didn't remember. Or at least... I don't think he does.

The music was turned up as everyone screamed and yelled in excitement, red solo cups are thrown as far as the eye can see. I was standing alone in the corner of the room, watching everyone jump uncoordinated and sloppy.

I observed silently until I was roughly pulled into a hug by someone who wore a black Adidas jacket and reeked of alcohol.

I almost screamed for help but then I realized that this stranger was only giving me a hug but then again, who knows how long that would last until they decided they wanted more.


I peeled myself off of the taller, more muscular man behind me, and quickly swerved around to look at who it was. oh, wait I know who this is—

"Russia?" I asked, he perked up and looked at me.

"yea?" He answered.

I nodded. "Do you remember me? I'm America. We live in the same apartment complex." I tried to explain.

Russia simply grinned and hugged me again, "you're baby bear!" He said, enthusiastically as he squeezed the living daylights out of me.

I grunted, gasping, "let go I can't breathe-" I choked out.

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