Broken Bonds

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"Sup fag." I heard the one person I never want to meet call out to me. I tried to ignore him the best I could and continue walking but things never turn out the way you want them to. I was abruptly stopped by getting pushed to the ground. "Hey faggot, didnt you hear me call out to you?" He questioned. I shook my head to give him a response. See this guy is like 6'10" and I'm only a measly 5'1" so I couldn't stand up to him in any shape or form. He was one of the popular kids cuz he did football. He used to be my bestfriend until the rumor spread. After it he started avoiding me and ended up getting a girlfriend named Karen. She was such a bitch. She was one of the cheerleaders who thinks that they are way better than others. Mike, that's my ex bestfriends name, started to get violent towards me to impress Karen. Everyday the wounds that I get mostly come from him and his football buddies beating me up. As I was deep in thought something painful had broken me from my thoughts. I realized he had kicked me hard in the stomach. It hurt extremely bad and it's probably gonna leave a bad bruise. "Hey faggot did you hear me?" I looked up at him and shook my head. That probably wasnt the best idea because I got another kick to my shoulder this time. "I said to go die you fucking fag. No one wants you here. We dont want you corrupting our atmosphere with your gayness." He told me to kill myself. Maybe I should, maybe that would be best, maybe everyone would be happier. "Maybe I will" I looked up with tears in my eyes. "Then go do it you fucking fag." He stated then walked away with Karen. He showed no care for me anymore, no remorse, nothing but hate. I got holding my stomach and walked home. I got home, no one was their as usual, and went to the bathroom to examine my stomach. I pulled my shirt up to reveal my stomach, and as I thought it was going to leave a bad bruise.  Maybe I should just kill myself. Maybe that would be for the best. No I shouldn't. Should I?

A/n- welp this chapter was hard to write. I like almost cried so much. Like ok we have a Mike and a Karen, which are both bitchy names, to attack my poor baby. Listen if anyone else reads this dont be afraid to be yourself.... I hid who I was for years and that was a mistake... I got in with the wrong crowd and done some stuff I regret... Everyone is perfect in their own ways and they cant stop you from being who you are... just be you.
And the story will get better I promise.

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