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So it's been about 2 years since that day and I still remember it to a tea. I completed highschool and now I'm looking for a college. Jace and me became really good friends and he never brought up the while thing with me being gay. Honestly I think I started to catch feelings for him when I met him. But I haven't talked to him in a year after he moved. We text from time to time but not that often. Man I miss him. I was just sitting on the couch and y'know it would be better to go for a walk. My outfit consists of a t-shirt and some ripped skinny jeans. I put my red converse on, grabbed my keys and headed out the door. Maybe I should go to the mall. I decided on that and so I started walking towards the mall. I noticed an extremely tall man up ahead. He's hot not gonna lie. I noticed that he had crouched down to pet a kitty. Cute I thought. I happened to get a glimpse of his face and he looked like Jace. I didnt know for sure but my legs began moving towards him. I got close to him and he looked up at me. "Jace, is that you?" I questioned. "Andrew?" He question while standing up. Man was he tall. I shook my head in response. He looked surprised then happy. He then suddenly hugged me and the size difference was crazy. I had like a mini heart attack and my face went completely red. I'm still in love with him I guess. "Dude it's been so long. I've missed you." He said. Butterflies in my stomach went off. "I-ive missed you too." I stuttered out. I didnt realize it before but his voice was even deeper and it still makes me melt. *I dont know about anyone else but his whole voice thing was based off of bakugo's Japanese voice. I shiver everytime I hear it lol.* He ended the hug. I pouted unknowingly. I hope he didnt notice but with my luck he did. " why so sad? Are you upset cuz I broke the hug?" He asked. He's gotten more courageous. "N-no" I mumbled out while looking away. He chuckled. "Wanna hang out like old times?" He asked. Butterflies are back. "Sure where do you wanna go?" I asked. "Wanna go to my place? I live alone so there is no one there but Sugar." He still has Sugar. Sugar was the cat that he took home after the night we met. "Let's go. I wanna see Sugar. I haven't seen her in a while." I say excited. We began to walk towards his house with him leading the way. He suddenly grabbed my hand as we entered a crowded area. I felt my face heat up. This guy is gonna murder me one day. I dont think he likes me so he probably would be weirded out if I confessed. Maybe I should confess maybe itll happen. Maybe he likes me back. Idk. Before I knew it we had made it to this large house with a white fence. He still had ahold of my hand which I didnt know why. We entered the house and man was it georgus. He let's go of my hand and I can feel the warmth escape me. I get upset but he comes back with none other than Sugar. She's a Calico cat with short fur. She's adorable. After playing with her for about half an hour I noticed Jace staring at me with a grin on his face.

A/n- haha I've died so much..... here's another chapter..... I dont know when the next will be out....

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