Part 11

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You shifted in your sleep, reaching for your vibrating phone under your pillow. Kenma was calling. At 2 AM? 

"I don't feel like playing games tonight, Kenma," you slurred. 

All that was heard was sniffling. You shot up, "Kenma? Are you okay?" 

"D-did we do something, F/N? Why were you avoiding us?" He said quietly. 

Your heart sank as you listened. You sat in disbelief, disappointed in yourself. Your head hung in sadness as you listened to him cry. Knowing Kenma, he's probably been overthinking this since you ran at lunch. Coming up with wild scenarios of what he could've done to upset you, beating himself up; essentially torturing himself in the chains of his mind. 

"Kenma, I'm so sorry. You guys didn't do anything, and you especially did nothing wrong. I've been feeling weird today, and I'm sorry I didn't open up about it. I was wrong to leave to guys in the dark like that." 

"What about that boy you were with? Did you really leave practice early to hang out with him?" 

Dammit, Kuroo. Kenma better be the only one he told that to. 

"No, buddy. I really wasn't feeling well, and I just ran into him on the way home, I wouldn't ever leave practice OR you guys, for that matter, for something so silly," you defended. 

"Okay..." he sighed, "Do you want to talk about what's bothering you? I know you have something on your mind, F/N..." 

You gulped and started fiddling with your fingers. What could you tell him that could ease his mind, while also keeping your little secret? 

"Maybe tomorrow, Kenma. It's pretty late. You should try to get some sleep..." 

He hummed in acknowledgment, "I'll try, sorry for waking you..." 

"Don't be sorry. Let's play some games tomorrow, let me make today up to you." 

"Okay... Goodnight, chibi." 



The next day, you brought Kenma his favorite (apple) pie and apologized to Kuroo. 

"I'm sorry, too, chibi-chan. I thought you were hiding some boy and keeping secrets from us, I was jealous and angry, it was wrong. That said, I don't trust him. He's weird." Kuroo held his nose up. Laughter erupted as you reassured him you don't really care for Oshiro anyway. 

The day went on by, seemingly normal, until lunch rolled around. You packed your own lunch, which wasn't typical. You just felt you needed a break from school food. You made your way to the vending machine, picked your favorite drink, and started walking towards the normal table you three always sit at. As you turned the corner, your table came into view. What the hell? 

Most members of the volleyball club were sitting there, along with... Oshiro? You squeaked and hid behind the corner. You were reallllly hoping you wouldn't  have to see him too much and realistically were hoping to NEVER see him again. And what the hell is he doing with the volleyball club? You took a deep breath and headed their way, head down, hoping to act natural. Kuroo is going to lose it. You almost laughed to yourself.

"F/N-san!!" Lev called. You looked up to see his lanky, long arm waving in the air. He was sitting right next to Oshiro. Facepalm. 

"Why are you at my table..." you mumbled, 'you' meaning everyone. 

"We can't hang out with our manager outside of practice? We just missed ya, is all. We didn't see you much yesterday. Plus, we made a new friend!" Lev gestured to Oshiro, who waved and gave you a smile. You gave him a small wave back. "He said he was waiting on you, also, F/N-san. If he managed to become your friend, we figured we would become his friend too, since you're not particularly the approachable type," Lev said a little too honestly. Yaku promptly slapped his back. 

Yamamoto stood behind Oshiro with what seemed like a snarl on his face, eyeing him, "So, chibi-chan, this guy cool?" he made his way around, examining his face, "or is he bothering our sweet manager?" 

You sighed, "He's fine, Tora..." he really wasn't, but you weren't good with confrontation. 

Yamamoto nodded and took place standing behind you. "Filling in for Kuroo, eh? " You thought to yourself. Speak of the devil. 

You hear his laugh along with Kenma's heavy sigh, "Well, party at lunch today, huh?" Kuroo said cheerfully as he approached the table. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw one particularly uninvited guest.

"Tch," he looked away and sighed, "Club members only." 

"That's actually why I'm here. I don't have a club," he responded, handing you a piece of paper. A volleyball club application...? 

Kuroo grunted and snatched the paper from you, reading his application. Kenma took a seat on the other side of you and quietly ate. You laid your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. Kuroo is a lovely guy, but he can get to be a little too much once he's angry and/or provoked. 

"Do you even know how to play?" He asked angrily, "You know we have a training camp coming up this month, right? Plus, we already have Lev, who is totally inexperienced, and it's hard enough as is with one new player. I'm sorry, but as the captain, I'm gonna have to reject this."

The team became tense. You could feel it in the air. 

"Kuroo..." Kai whispered. 

Kuroo sighed and handed him the paper back, "This says you're a first year. I'm sorry, but genuinely, you'd be better waiting for next year. Realistically, even if you do have experience, you wouldn't play much in official matches. And if you didn't, like I said, we're busy kicking Lev into shape. We barely have time for Lev with the training camp coming up, we definitely don't have time for two people." He sounded more like Kuroo when saying this. 

Oshiro seemed amused, "I see." Lev tilted his head and seemed confused. Oshiro stood up and grabbed his things. "I didn't really want to join anyway. Bye bye, F/N-san." He walked off.

"Okay, well, I don't like him," Lev said.

"Tell me about it," Kuroo scoffed, "Come to MY table, with MY team, act all friendly to everyone, then just tell F/N bye after wasting our time and pissing me off? Ridiculous." 

"He totally has a crush on F/N and it looks like he's trying to get her attention," Yaku stated. Lev nodded in agreement as he ate. 

"Well, I'm not interested..." You said quietly. 

Kuroo let out a hyena laugh and wrapped his arm around you, "You could do much better, anyway, chibi. Don't let me find out your messing around with losers like him." You shrugged him off of you and ate quietly. 

Kenma didn't say much throughout that entire lunch period. You figured he was annoyed having to eat with most of the team. 

"Game tonight?" You asked him as you two were heading to your next class.

"Yes... Terraria." He said, not looking up from his phone. 

You hummed and walked the rest of the way in silence. You weren't entirely sure how to deal with Oshiro and that situation, but you'll worry about it another time, probably. You also didn't like how he knew where you sat for lunch. You'd been aware of his existence for like, a day max. Things just seemed too weird. 

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