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Viorica "Via" Daneiris Aestuo


V, Via, Dark Via, Flower, the Black Rose, Rider's Child, Sundrop, Moonlight


18, August 25th


Rapunzel Aestuo {Mother} and Eugene Fitzherbert {aka Flynn Rider/Father}, King Frederic and Queen Arianna {Grandparents}, King Edmund {Grandfather on her fathers side}


Pure {Currently}


Healing and Decaying: Viorica like her mother has the power to heal others but also decay everything around her, also like her mother these powers of hers connect to the sun and the moon. But the thing is the only thing she has to do to use these powers is sing a little song, since her powers are connected to her voice but sometimes once she starts singing she cannot stop unless someone snaps her out of it. Like her mother Viorica's healing powers are connected to the sun and are quite extensive ranging from healing light {even at the brink of death} to rewinding someones youth. Viorica herself will even stay young and beautiful for longer due to her powers. The darker side of her powers well they are way more dangerous, since they are connected to the moon. If she uses them to much it risks bringing out a part of Viorica that she doesn't want others to see, this part of her goes by many names. The powers of the moon's song decay and bring death to everything around her, it tends to be way more uncontrollable then the powers of the sun.


Princess Viorica Daneiris Aestuo was born on a warm winters night under the full glow of the moon, if her parents and grandparents had been paying closer attention on that night they would have noticed something different about little Viorica a darkness that was inside of her. A darkness that didn't reveal itself until she was the age of five, her parents had left her to play with the young children of another royal family while they were in a meeting. Everything was fine for a while with a nanny watching over them, until a fight broke out. Prince Leon of the Southern Isles decided it would be fun to play keep away from Viorica, stealing her favourite toy and throwing it around to his brothers. You see they were much taller then Viorica and thought that just because she was a girl they were better then her. It didn't end up well for them, Via's hair turned black, silver streaks running through it as her eyes darkened and a different personality over took her, She became a totally different person much more ruthless for a little girl, this was also the very first time she used the Moon Incantation. Viorica almost ended up killing Prince Leon and his brothers, if her mother hadn't suddenly appeared to stop her.

Everything changed that day, though they managed to get Viorica back to normal the darker side of herself still lingered inside of her. It was like a voice only she could her, dangerous and tempting. Her parents kept a much better eye on their daughter after that, but they also began to train her in her more lighter powers to heal others. Trying their best to dampen the power of the moon, except as the sun grew stronger so did the moon. Several more episodes happened when "Via" as her darker side called herself showed herself. Viorica knew her parents loved her but she could also tell her parents feared what the moon's power could do to their precious little girl as well. Her mother speant time researching a way to block the moons power or remove it from her daughter entirely. Until her letter to attend the School for Good and Evil arrived, to join her fellow Pure's in a new school year. Her parents said yes immediately, believing the school could help stop whatever was growing inside of their daughter.


Let's start with the lighter side of Viorica's personality, as well most people don't even suspect she has a darker side to her she is grown so good at actually hiding it. Kind sweet, almost angelic Viorica, who seems like she doesn't have a single bad bone in her body at least thats what her parents want to believe their daughter is like, well at least her mother does. Her father's knows about the slyer more mischevious side to her, the one that he technically brought out when teaching her how to pick pocket like a pro when she was a little girl. He also knows about the fact that she can hear Dark Via's voice inside her head and that she may or may not have gone a little crazy because of it. Viorica when not acting like a polite optimistic ray of sunshine princess can be a little on the snarky and sarcasitc side sometimes.

She also hates being called Via and doesn't respond to the nickname when people call her it because thats the other her's name, Dark Via. Let's just say Dark Via can not be a nice person, she can be cruel and ruthless to those who get on her wrong side. This side of her is very powerful, then most would expect since they would think the light would balance the darknesses power out well they were wrong. Dark Via can be incredibly manipulative, playful, seductive and very flirty when she wishes to be. She despises the fact that Viorica tries to keep her locked up inisde her, to make her just a voice in her head and Dark Via wants to be let out. This side of Viorica is also not the type of person that you can easily trust ether because as easily as she can makes as "friends" with you she is able to stab you in the back twice as fast, though if you do gain her loyalty you are often safe from her wrath.

Dark Via often presents herself to her foes and allies alike as a cold, ruthless, sadistic, cunning and unpredictable force. It is with the aforementioned traits that she is able to carry out inhumane acts with little to no remorse. She has very little respect for authority figures of any allegiance, including her own mother and will actively disobey orders in order to further her own goals.  It is not below her to employ seduction and intimacy when trying to gain a person's allegiance.


Bruna Marquezine

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