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Kaya of Charn


K, Ka, Aya, Snow Queen, Witch


In Appearance






The White Witch aka Jadis, Queen of Charn

The White Witch aka Jadis, Queen of Charn

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Liza Gulyaewa


The first thing you should know about Kaya of Charn is that she is a very powerful witch, something which makes her not trusted or feared by those who dislike witches. Her entire childhood was speant like this being not trusted because of who her mother was. The feared White Witch also known as Jadis, Queen of Narnia and Charn, the woman who single handlely froze Narnia into a 100 yeared winter. That was until the Pevensie's came and overthrew her mother's reign. Kaya desperately wants to make her mother proud, wants to become the villain that her mother wants her daughter to become. Which is why Kaya closed of her heart to all those around her, even to her mother not that Kaya's mother ever really loved her daughter in the first place.

Since then Kaya of Charn has become a very sadistic, sarcastoc and well cruel person. She is a temptress, a seductress willing to use not only her body but also her words to get the things that she wanted. But deep down below all this darkness and evil is a kinder compassionate side of Kaya. Only her wolves know this side of Kaya, the kinder side of her the side that she wants to be. As Kaya does not truely want to be evil as all she wants to do is make her mother proud.

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ♕ 𝐨𝐜Where stories live. Discover now