Chapter 18

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**Straight after the last one**

Just as Ginny said what's going on Harry Potter, her boyfriend ran right through her and held her hand and started to sob. Ginny tied to wake up but she couldn't she kept trying to wake up until she heard Madam Pomfrey talking to Harry.

"Mr Potter I'm sorry but she is in a coma and it doesn't look like she will wake, I'm so sorry but I must go alert the family.

As soon as Madam Pomfrey left his legs gave way and her burst out crying all ginny wanted to do was to wake up and comfort him, but she couldn't.

Ginny stayed there while Harry cried (she was crying herself because she hated how much pain he was in). Harry stayed with her all night but she couldn't take it so spirit Ginny decided she would take a walk around the castle.

**When Ginny got back to the hospital wing**

When Ginny entered the hospital wing the first thing she saw was Harry, he climbed into her bed and was cuddling next to her. When spirit Ginny walked over she tried to wake herself up one more time, but this time she disappeared back into her body but she still didn't wake up.

**The next morning**

Harry woke up early in the morning when he woke up spirit Ginny appeared.

"Why did this happen to you Gin" Harry whispered while he caressed her cheek.

Ginny just stood there because she knew she could do nothing. Harry sat beside her until he just got up and left. Ginny decided to follow him, she followed him down to the lake.

Harry walked over to a tree then sat down, he had tears in his eyes.

"Why did it have to happen to Gin?" Harry asked himself.

Memories of Ginny and himself flooded his head, he thought about what Pomfrey said "It doesn't look like she will wake up" Harry took out his wand and twirled it in his hands.

"What's the point of me being alive, when my true love is gonna die," Harry said as he raised his wand to his head and was just about ready to yell 'Avada Kedavra' but Ginny just yelled "No". Harry lowered his wand and looked behind him he could have sworn he heard Ginny.

"Clearly it's a sign," Harry said as he bolted back up to the hospital wing to be with and comfort Ginny, to help her wake up.

Hope you like this chapter, go and follow Quidditch_Dreamer because she gave me the idea for this chapter.


Hogwarts Princess

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