Chapter 2 - Super

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"Alex, please don't forget to call-"

"Emily," my dad sighed to my mother, rubbing his temple with one hand while he kept the other on the steering wheel, "After hearing that for the past hour and a half, I promise you I don't think she'll forget. It's too early for these reminders."

It was currently 5:30 AM. I decided to take the 7:30 AM flight to New York due to the fact that my interview was going to be at 1:00 PM sharp. The flight from Chicago to NYC was a bit over two hours but I wanted to be a little early to give room for the time difference, potential delays and more importantly, to rest before heading to the company. 

"Anthony, I do not care how many times I am going to repeat-"

"Mom," I said, and she turned to me from the passenger seat. 

My dad pulled the car over to the drop-off area of the airport, but I didn't make any moves to get out of the car just yet. For the millionth time during that drive alone, I knew I had to keep reassuring my mother that I was going to be okay. 

With a stern look, I said, "I'm turning twenty-four years old tomorrow. I promise you, I pinky promise you that I will call as soon as the plane touches the ground and I swear that I will be able to take care of myself." 

Her face scrunched up in concern and I could've sworn I saw her eyes filled to the top with tears that she didn't let fall. "I know, figlia, I know. It's just that I know you haven't really been on your own before and you can't tell a mother to not worry." 

"Mama, you know that if I get offered this job I'm going to take it, right? You know that there's a large possibility that I'm moving to New York...right?" 

She let out a deep breath. "I know." 

When I had told my parents about the call from Cassie and the interview at Agostini, I couldn't help but notice how tense they had become given the news. I knew they were happy for me and they never stopped being supportive, but I knew my parents a little too well to know that something was off. 

I couldn't help but link it back to the weird feeling I had felt myself after doing extremely minor digging on the company, but I didn't stop reminding myself that I needed this and a fresh start would help me more than it would hurt. 

Although there was a change in atmosphere after telling my parents the news, my mom still took me to the mall immediately after to buy a bunch of new work clothes because, God, she and I both knew I needed them. 

I got out of the car, hoping my parents would do the same, but after I shut the door and opened the trunk, I noticed they lingered in the car for a minute or so. I kept glancing into the rear windshield to see what they were up to and I noticed they were having a conversation. I could tell their voices were low and they both looked concerned, both of them speaking so fast that their lips were barely moving. My mom began biting her thumb and at that moment, she glanced at me, and we made eye contact. 

I quickly looked away and pulled my carry-on luggage out of the trunk. Her and my dad finally got out of the car and embraced me in a way that sort of scared me. 

"You both know I'm not dying, right?" I said, forcing a small chuckle to lighten the mood. 

Neither of them even broke a smile before my mom broke the silence. "We love you so much. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask." 

My dad placed his hand on my cheek. "If you're feeling nervous at all before the interview, remember who you are, okay?" 

"Who am I?" I questioned jokingly. 

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