Chapter 18 - Napoli

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"Ready to go?" Ace asked while he stuffed his belongings into his duffel bag. 

I hesitated for a moment before answering, "Yeah."

He glanced at me for a moment. "You don't seem so sure."

I was dressed in a comfortable outfit Ace had brought me from the estate, finally rid of that breezy hospital gown. I sat at the edge of the hospital bed and fiddled with my thumbs before letting out a heavy high. Ace gave me a questioning look and it was clear he was waiting for an explanation. 

"Can you blame me for being a little nervous? I mean, everything happened at the estate. In my bedroom. Don't take this the wrong way, but that's supposed to be where I'm most protected and yet that's where it all happened," I nibbled on my bottom lip. I felt terrible for feeling that way, but it was out of my control and I knew that. 

He leaned his shoulder against the wall and looked at me. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, the door opened to reveal an unfamiliar nurse. 

"Alright," she scrambled through some papers in her hands, "I just need a few signatures and you'll be all set to go home." 

The drive back to the estate was fairly quiet. 

I was surprised to see a beautiful - no, sexy - blacked-out Maserati parked out front of the exit of the hospital, but I was left speechless when I found out it belonged to Ace. I should've known and it should not have surprised me, but it was the first time in my life I had gotten within five feet of a luxury car. 

It was fucking sick. 

Since I got discharged, I noticed how my leg throbbed with each step I took. I was too stubborn to use the crutches they gave me, but I knew I wouldn't be able to go about my days without them. 

I remained with my head pressed against the window, watching the scenery move-by in a blur. It was a cloudy day and the snow seemed to start melting, patches of dead grass peeking through the scattered patches of ice. I wasn't fooled, though - New York weather was similar enough to Chicago weather and I knew that we were still a few blizzards short for the beginning of the year. 

"It's okay to be nervous, draga mea," Ace said, finally breaking the silence. "I know it's not easy. I know what happened there. You obviously know what happened. It's traumatic. Do you want me to arrange for you to have a new room?"

I shook my head. "No. I think I'll be okay," I was doubtful that I would be able to get any sleep, but I hoped that my voice didn't give that away. "Aren't you cold?"

He was wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt in the January ice and I couldn't help but notice the way his arms looked. His right arm was grasping the top of the steering wheel effortlessly, yet his biceps flexed in the most mouthwatering way. My fingers itched to reach out and trace the lines between his defined muscles before I realized how long I'd been staring. 

I dug my nails into the palm of my hand in embarrassment as he chuckled after noticing my lingering stare on his arms.

He licked his smirking lips, "I'm feeling pretty toasty...and I'm sure you like what you see, yes?"

I wouldn't be surprised if I was bright crimson, getting shades darker with each word he said. 

"I just don't want you getting sick, that's all," I choked out, grateful I didn't stutter. 

"Well, by the chance I do get sick, do you know what would be the best medicine?" 


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⏰ Huling update: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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