Chapter 15 - I Dieci

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To Reyam, my soul sister...who has been asking me every single day when two certain characters are going to engage in a certain dirty deed. Not this chapter, but I promise you, it will happen.

So stop asking. Lmfaoo

Love u 


I regained consciousness before being able to open my eyes. 

It started with my hearing; faint sounds of repetitive beeps and muffled voices that seemed to be miles away. Moving any part of my body felt like trying to carry a semi-truck - I was putting in all of my strength and the result would be a twitch in my fingers or my toes. 

A sense of panic surged throughout my body, I was rapidly moving my eyes behind my closed eyelids, hoping and praying to God that I could somehow will them to open as if performing a successful magic trick. I became aware of an object in my mouth and upon taking in a deep breath, I realized it was all the way down my throat into my lungs. 

The beeping noises grew louder and faster as I began to panic even more, like an alarm, and the muffled voices seemed to get closer. I couldn't exactly make out what they were saying but they were high-pitched, immediately leading me to the thought that I was dying.

Am I dying? Better yet, am I already dead? 

I mentally scolded myself in my paralyzed-state, What would be the point of regaining consciousness just to die afterward, dumbass. 

The audacity I had to even form thoughts like that was astounding considering I was very well aware of the fact that I knew nothing about anything medical-related and hey, maybe that did happen, maybe people did regain consciousness right before dying. How would I know?

I felt a hand running over my forehead, and finally, I was able to make out some words that were being said to me by a gentle and feminine voice. 

"You're okay, sweetheart, you're okay." I knew the voice was close enough for me to make out the words being said, but for some reason, it still sounded as if I was underwater and the sounds were barely penetrating the depths surrounding me. "If you can hear me, can you squeeze my finger?" 

I felt her lay her finger onto mine, and with all the energy I could give, I gave a slight squeeze. 

"Good! That's great! Can you give me a deep breath and a deep exhale?"

Again, I squeezed her finger gently as a "yes." 

"Take a deep for me and on the count of three I want you to exhale, okay? This might be uncomfortable. One...two....three!" 

The feeling of a long object being pulled out of my mouth from my lungs had to have been top-five worst things I've ever experienced in my life, but it was enough to jolt me into movement. My eyes finally sprang open before the blinding lights burned and forced me to shut them again. 

Taking in deep breaths while that thing was completely out of me, I felt myself relax as I kept blinking, trying to numb the burning pain behind my eyes. My eyes began to water as I heard the voice much more clearly, "It's okay, you can relax now. How do you feel?" 

Although squinting, I managed to get a glimpse of the nurse that was helping me. She was young and pretty, with light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. 

I tried to speak when I felt my tongue stick to every surface in my mouth. I was grossly dehydrated and I became overly aware of the horrible taste that wouldn't go away. 

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