Chapter 6 - The Lame Birthday

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My parents had called me to wish me a happy birthday and checked on how I was doing. The call lasted about ten minutes, and once we ended the call, I realized how much I missed them already. I decided to get out of the taxi about a block away from the building so I could stop and get coffee for Antonio and myself. After waiting in line at the closest Starbucks for an eternity, I finally got my hands on a plain black coffee for Antonio and an espresso macchiato for myself.

I went from complaining about how I couldn't afford Starbucks for myself to being able to afford two drinks in just a few days (with money from a payroll I wasn't even on yet).

Whew! Financial stability!

There was a crisp wind as I walked to the familiar matte-black building which stood out even more as it contrasted against the beautiful pale grey sky. There was something about gloomy days that made me feel calm. Gloomy weather is my favorite weather and it was common for people to think I was crazy after admitting to them that I prefer grey skies over sunshine.

Reaching the doors, I pressed the silver button and heard the soft click of the doors unlocking for me. I placed one of the coffees in the crook of my arm and I held it in place against my abdomen, enjoying the warmth it gave me as I pulled on the heavy silver handle and made my way into the lobby, finding it just as breathtaking as the first time I laid eyes on it.

I smiled and waved at the same gorgeous woman at the front desk as yesterday and I quickened my pace to catch the open elevator before the doors closed. I pressed for the fortieth floor and the events of last night came flooding back as I was standing in the place where it all took place. I shut my eyes and shook my head, refusing to allow the visual to enter my mind once more. 

The elevator let out a ping and I was finally at Bianchi's office. As the doors opened, I made my way into the spacious office, admiring the view of the city against the smoky skies. Antonio broke his concentration from a document he was going over intensely upon my arrival and looked at me, his serious face breaking into a smile. 

Matching his smile with my own, I held up his coffee. "I hope this makes work a little more enjoyable."

Setting it down on his desk, I noticed how stressed out he looked. The slicked-back hair from yesterday was now disheveled and messy due to his fingers running through it so much, but it somehow made him look better as a few strands fell over his eyes. The hollows under his eyes made it evident that he hadn't slept at all and his dark green shirt was left unbuttoned at the top, revealing a hint of his muscular chest. 

"I can't even tell you what a lifesaver you are," he said, reaching for his coffee. Taking a slow sip, he realized it wasn't scorching hot and he finished the entire cup in a few large gulps. 

I raised my eyebrows, amused, and said, "If I knew you were this tired I would've gotten you a few espresso shots, too."

"Tired? I'm not tired at all. Look at me, as fresh as a daisy," he joked, grinning as I let out a soft laugh. Running his hand over his face, he continued, "It's just this slight...conflict going on with one of our rival companies. We made a deal a while back but they're beginning to stir up some trouble that goes against the contract they signed with us."

"Isn't that illegal for them to do? Especially if it's a contract-bound agreement?" I asked. 

"Yeah, exactly. We're trying to prevent any sort of escalation, but...cazzo,"  he cursed under his breath. 

"Parla italiano?"  Do you speak Italian? I knew he had to be of Italian descent but I wasn't sure if he was fluent in the language. He could be a fourth-generation American without much exposure to Italian. You never know. 

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