Chapter 10 - Il Draghi

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Ace didn't bother to hide his irritation as he stormed off back to his room (I assumed) and loudly slammed the door shut behind him.

Nick, Antonio, and I ignored the giant stupid baby having his daily temper tantrum as the three of us just sort of stared at each other with our jaws on the ground.

As surprised as I was to see them, it was clear they were even more surprised to see me. I was confused for a brief moment upon seeing their reaction until I remembered Ace telling me that only he and two others actually knew about what was going on - two others that he claimed he didn't know personally.

Nick's mouth went from practically reaching his ankles to forming a sheepish smile as he playfully flirted, "Are you so surprised because of how much you miss me?"

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as I ran a hand through my hair, trying my best to absorb everything going on around me. I also couldn't help but realize that I was grateful to see more familiar faces; as confusing and annoying as Ace was, I had to admit that he was the sole reason I wasn't reacting in the "help-me-I've-been-abducted" kind of way. Having someone I actually know - and questionably trust - made everything a lot easier to accept.

I knew that I wasn't in one of those situations where I could get murdered and dumped into an ocean without raising suspicion, I had two parents that loved me and a best friend, at least. I made sure to make a mental note to ask Ace about that later - I haven't had my phone and the last thing I needed was to ghost my parents for a few days which would probably result in a missing-person police case.

"Yes, Nick, that's exactly why I'm surprised," I smiled at him. "Weird question, but what day is it?"

"Sunday," Antonio answered as he stood awkwardly.

"Huh," I said, squinting in thought. I could call my parents later today and tell them that I hadn't had my phone on me for whatever lie I could come up with at that moment. I felt terrible for lying, but I guess it was for my best interest. You know, with someone trying to kill me or whatever.

New mental note: find out as much as possible regarding what's going on. That was going to be fairly difficult considering Ace wasn't the easiest person to talk to and these guys clearly had no fucking idea what I was doing there.

"So," Nick began, walking towards where I was seated at the kitchen island. He popped an orange slice into his mouth, winked, and continued, "you and Ace, yeah?"

"No," I responded with no hesitation.

He gave me a knowing look and with his best impression of a stereotypical-girly-voice, said, "When? Where? How? Is he rough? More importantly, is it big?"

Antonio coughed behind him as if he were choking on his own saliva after that comment. I ignored him and widened my eyes at Nick, giving him a disgusted look in response.

A "disgusted" look. Who are you fooling, Alex?

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to push away my internal dialogue, which was quite frankly betraying me, might I add.

Nick laughed at my discomfort. "Alright, damn, I get it. You don't kiss and tell. But really, why are you here?"

"I was hoping you might be able to tell me."

"Yeah, I could," Nick started, grabbing another piece of fruit. "If I knew. Seriously, why doesn't anybody tell me anything around here?"

"Because you're a fucking moron," Antonio chimed in and made his way to the platter, right next to Nick and right across from me.

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