Meeting By Chance

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Kara Danvers walked lazily out of her bedroom and headed to the bathroom "Kara?" Alex asked "Huh?" Kara replied completely zoned out "I asked if you're okay, you look dazed" Alex said staring at Kara "oh um yeah I'm fine just didn't sleep well" Kara said splashing water on her face "Nightmares ?, about Kenny" Alex asked reluctantly, she knew how fragile Kara was about Kenny's murder, Kara nodded sadly. Alex put her arm around Kara as she nuzzled her face into Alex's chest, a tear rolling down her cheek "Are you okay to go to school" Alex asked, Kara pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes "Yea I'll be okay, besides I've been asked to show a new student around the school today" Kara said heading back to her bedroom "Oh I heard there was a new student coming to Midvale... A Luthor" Alex said in disgust "wonder why they'd except her, she's a Luthor they're all the same... Murderers and terrorists" Kara looked up at Alex "you can't assume she'll be like them, she may be a Luthor but you don't know she may be nice" Kara said "Just be careful around her Kara, she might be keeping kryptonite on her, she's a Luthor that's how she was raised" Alex said angrily "Alex!" Kara yelled "What?" Alex replied "Just relax, don't judge a book by it's cover" Kara said gently "Well I'm gonna judge that book if it's got Luthor written all over it" Alex muttered angrily "Alex enough, let's just get to school" Kara said. The two headed downstairs for a quick breakfast and then headed to school

~~~~~~~At School~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Alex and Kara hopped out of the car and headed to the main doors but were stopped by the Headmistress "Good Morning Danvers sisters" she said smiling brightly at Kara and Alex, Alex always made fun that their Headmistress was always too enthusiastic about school, but Kara thought it was nice "Kara this is Lena Luthor, I'd like you to show her around and get her familiar with everything" she said, Kara looked over at Lena, she was a few inches shorter than Kara, she had dark flowing brown hair and piercing emerald eyes. They sparked beautifully in the sunlight but Kara saw sadness in those eyes. Kara held out her hand to shake Lena's "I'm Kara Danvers" she said smiling brightly at the brunette, Lena reluctantly shook Kara's hand "Well I'll leave you in the capable hands of Miss Danvers" the headmistress said and walked away "This is Alex, my sister" Kara said looking back at Alex, Alex looked at Lena and then at Kara "I'll see you later" Alex said pulling Kara into a hug "Be careful" she whispered and walked off, giving Lena a dirty look. Kara turned back to Lena "sorry about her she's just... Uh, having a bad morning" Kara said trying to make Lena feel better "It's okay, I'm used to it" Lena said, Kara looked at her sadly, Lena looked down at her shoes "Well you have me as a friend now" Kara said taking Lena's arm. Lena blushed slightly as her and Kara headed inside "Our first lesson is Science" Kara said leading the way. They walked in as everyone stared at Lena. She looked down, avoiding eye contact. Kara saw Alex and her friend Kate at the back "Come on we can be partners" Kara said. As they reached the table Alex glared at Lena and mumbled something under her breath to Kate, which Kara heard because of her super hearing "It's the Luthor girl again" she heard her whisper, Kate didn't even look at Lena. Kara never liked Kate much, but never said anything "Hey Kara" she said "Hey Kate, this is Lena Luthor" Kara said "Yeah I know" she said bitterly, Kara ignored Kate. Mr Oliver the science teacher walked in, late as usual "Morning class sorry I'm late, you're today a surprise test today" He said with enthusiasm, the teachers at this school were always too enthusiastic about stuff. Kara wasn't sure why but she found it refreshing. The class groaned annoyed as it had been the second on that week "Yes yes groan and moan all you want you're writing this test" He said, he walked around handing out papers,once everyone had gotten one he sat down "And begin" he said. The test was fairly short so it didn't take long before everyone was done, as soon as everyone was finished Mr Oliver took in the papers and began grading them "While I'm grading please turn to page 55 in the textbook and take notes" Lena looked down at her textbook "How'd you find the test?" Kate asked Alex "Easy" she replied "Of course, you're probably going to get the highest grade... Again" Kate said, 'Suck up' Kara thought to herself "Probably" Alex said proudly. Mr Oliver didn't take long to grade the papers, he stood up and handed out the papers "I would like to congratulate Miss Luthor on getting the highest grade, well done and welcome to our school" He said. Everyone stared at Lena, Alex had an expression of shock and disgust on her face. She looked down at her test -a B, "I got a B... But I" Alex stammered. Kara looked down at her test - an F, she had failed. After Kenny was killed her grades dropped, he had helped her study. Tears started to well up in Kara's eyes, Lena noticed a tear rolling down Kara's cheek but decided not to say anything. As the rest of the day progressed Lena sat in silence, she knew how people felt about her. She was a Luthor after all, but somehow Kara was the first person to not treat Lena like a Luthor she saw beyond her last name. As the day drew to a close Kara noticed Lena was in a heated discussion with someone over the phone, she looked upset. As soon as Lena had put the phone away Kara walked over to her "Everything okay?" Lena shook her "I'm so over my stupid family!" she yelled "What happened?" Kara asked quietly, she was slightly terrified by Lena's outburst, Lena noticed this and her expression softened "Sorry... I... My mother won't pick me up she expects me to find my own way home which is far from here, you'd think a mother would be loving enough to pick their daughter up... Nope not mine, she's Cold I suppose an adopted daughter doesn't matter" Lena said sadly "you're adopted?" Kara asked "Uh yeah... They took me in when I was 4" Lena replied "I'm adopted too" Kara said  "Which doesn't really matter... Anyway would you like my mom to drive you home? " Kara asked "Oh no I couldn't ask you to-" she began but Kara cut her off "Please I insist" she said "Kara I... I don't know what to say... Why are you being so nice to me?" Lena asked "Because you don't deserve to be treated like your family, you're different Lena" Kara said sweetly "How do you know?" she asked "I just know" She said. Lena blushed "Thank you Kara" Lena said looking down at her shoes shyly, Kara smiled "Come on then I'll go ask my mom" she said and the two walked over the where Eliza was parked "Hey mom" Kara said "Hey Kara sweetie" Eliza replied "Mom this is Lena Luthor, is it okay if we give her a ride home" Kara asked, Lena stepped towards the car to shake Elizas hand "Pleasure to meet you Lena" Eliza said sweetly "Nice to meet you too" Lena replied, Eliza unlocked the door "Hop in, I'm more than happy to give you a ride" She said, Lena smiled "Thank you so much". They drove for a long while when eventually they arrived at the Luthor Manor "It was great meeting you Lena" Eliza said as Lena got out the car, Kara grabbed Lena's bag and walked her to her front door "Thanks Kara for everything..." Lena said blushing "Uh don't mention it was nothing" Kara said handing Lena her bag "No really thank you, you've shown me more kindness than anyone I've ever met" Lena said. Kara smiled before quickly getting out a pen and paper "Here's my number, if you ever need anything just gimme a call or shoot me a text" Kara said handing Lena the piece of paper, Lena examined the paper and smiled "Thank you Kara" she said "Anytime" Kara replied pulling the brunette into a hug "See you tomorrow" Kara said as she headed back to the car "See you tomorrow" Lena said and headed inside

Sorry this was so long 😅the original is way longer but I decided to make a few changes I'll post the next part sometime this week but what do you think so far feel free to give me any pointers or suggestions but I hope you enjoy so far

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