👻Chapter 5👻

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Normal P.O.V


We were walking in the dark hallway so we can reach the library. I was very nervous and sad. Whis... My dear teacher and friend is dead? I can't believe this... There's something strange in this school and I'll find out what's going on no Matter what.

I felt a warm hand only shoulder. Looking behind me, I saw Jiren emotionless face. "Are you ok?" He whispered so no one can heard him. I nodded my head his eyes softened for a few seconds and he smiled a bit.

"What do you think you're doing?" That pink woman from before glared at me. I don't understand what's wrong with her. "Get Lost Cocotte." Jiren pulled me towards him and continued walking ignoring Cocotte.

I smiled a but and looked at the others. Trunks and goten are walking beside Vegeta, Bulma and Chichi. Krillien is holding a sleeping Marron. 17 is talking with Belmond and Sidra. The angels are walking in front of us expect Mojito who was walking beside Panny who was a blushing mess. And the kaioshins are hugging each other.

After a few minutes, we finally arrived at the library.

"This library is so... Huge!" Marcarita said, looking at all the different books. "Marcarita San?" I heard a familiar voice calling for the angel. Toppo, Luna and Cabba ran towards us smiling.

"Oh thank goodness!" Luna hugged me tightly. "Are you alright Houaida?" Cabba asked. "Yes, thanks guys." I nodded my head.

"Panny!!" Shonen shouted. "The hell you're doing here Shonen?!" Pan yelled at her. "I don't know what happened." Shonen explained. 

"Where's Goku?" Chichi asked. She was very worried about her husband. "I'm here." Goku walked towards her and hugged her. "Houaida!" I saw Hit walking towards me, but he stopped when he saw Jiren beside me. "What are you doing here pride trooper?" But snapped and pulled me away from the grey alien.

"Leave her alone, Assassin." Jiren glared at him. "Over my dead body." But stood in front of Jiren and grabbed his uniform. I stood between them. "It's not time to fight each other. We must work together. So we can escape this nightmare." I said. The both nodded their heads with a little blush On their faces.

"Where did you get this?" Belmond asked Toppo. "We found this axe and the guns in the headmaster's office. And the knives in the cafeteria."Toppo explained. "There is a monster who is trying to kill us..... His name is The demogorgon." I said. "What?! Really?! Dyspo asked. "This girl over there said that there is monsters who looks like dogs was chasing after her." Bergamo pointed towards Pan. "I have a name you know." Pan whispered.

"Guys.... I think I found something." Krillien yelled. Everyone walked towards him." What?"

"Look!" He removed an old desk. And found a secret door. "You Did it!" Goku said happily . "Thank God." Zoiray mumbled. "We can get out of this damn school!" Dyspo yelled.

"But, what about the others? We must tell them." Pan said. "First we must get out, then we must tell Zeno-oh-sama about everything. And after that we'll return to save the others." Mojito explained. Everyone nodded their heads. Pan was looking at Mojito with a little blush on her face. ' He's a genius.' she thought. "Um... May I ask, are you Whis's brother?" Pan decided to ask him.

Mojito looked down at pan, and smiled. "Yes, my name is Mojito, pleasure to meet you." Mojito grabbed her hand and kissed her softly. "T-thank you..." She whispered. "Are you alright? Your face is red." Mojito askes. He put his hand on her cheek. "I-I'm Fine!! Yes! I'm fine!"

suddenly, Hit fell to his knees and started breathing heavily. "Hit!" I yelled. "I... I can't feel the others ki..." He managed to say. "Wait, you still can feel other's ki?!" Beerus asked.

"Yes..." Hit got up. "That means...." Belmond whispered. "Let's get out of this place." Toppo was the first to enter the secret door and one by one, the others followed him.




"Houaida, I'm hungry." Goku whispered. "You're always hungry!" I yelled. "Shh!" Hit put his hand on my face. 

"I want to pee..." Dyspo mumbled. "Don't you dare pee on me!" Lavender, who was walking behind Dyspo punched the rabbit on the head.

"Can you both stop this?" Hop glared at them and ran towards Hit. "Hey babe, when we get out of this place. Come to my room~" she purred. Hit looked disgusted and grabbed my hand. "Sorry, But I already have my woman." He gestured to me. I blushed and looked away.

"But she's a weakling!" Hop snapped. "I'm stronger than her, and more beautiful." She glared at me.

"Stop." Jiren stopped walking and looked around. "What's wrong?" Goku asked.

"Listen closely.." he whispered. I heard something moving inside the wall. We prepared ourselves.








"They are close Kathy Sama." The Demogorgon bowed. "That's great! I didn't have fun for a long time!" She jumped happily.

"Call my husband and tell him." She said. The demon nodded and walked away.





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