~ Book Info And Introduction ~

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Hey! Thanks for clicking this book and reading it! But I want to get some things said first before I officially start this book.

First of all, an aviary is a cage. So the title refers to the locked tree, basically. And in case my blurb wasn't clear enough, I'll explain that part a little more. The girl, who I decided to name Samantha Finnegan, goes to her grandpa's house for the summer, because her parents had a sudden business trip to England. Her grandpa has been a little 'off' lately since her grandma died, which was only a bit over four months ago. He lives in Wisconsin on a farm space, and Sam finds the Tree Aviary somewhere on his lot. The tree grows in a locked cage, and sprouts half finished books from its branches. She has to save the people in the books from being frozen forever in time by writing the rest of their lives.

That's fixed, now about the chapters. I don't want to make myself suffer by making extra large chapters, so I'm gonna just do whatever size needed. They might be too short, or too long, but I'll update later. The spaces between updates shouldn't be too long, no less than a week. Unless I'm working on a big part of the story, or in real life I just can't work on it, or something like that.

The chapters will be labeled by the number they have, except for the special chapters like this one I am writing. So if it doesn't have a number, it's not part of the story.

Also, some more things to say. Any similarities are absolutely coincidental and not done on purpose. You can't blame me for any character's traits that are similar to yours or someone else's you know. No bad comments or language in the comments section either. Don't copy my book or any of its ideas, and don't advertise your book in the comments.

So with these things said, let's get ready to have this book officially started.


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