~Chapter 3~

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This is a picture of the mansion that Sam's grandpa lives in. Credit to google.

~Chapter 3~

I was awakened by Mr. Richards voice telling me to get up. My foot vibrated and I lifted my head to see Mr. Richard leaning into the back seat to shake me awake. He looked sort of awkward like he didn't know jets to do. A groan escaped my mouth as I lifted myself up and tried to fully open my eyes.

"Come, Ms. Finnegan. We're here at your grandpa's house." He said, and I slowly clambered out the car door. I stumbled a little once I reached the cement floor, and Mr. Richard grasped my hand to steady me. So I caught my balance and looked at the mansion before me.

It was either white or a light tan, I'm not sure which, maybe both! It was probably two to three stories with patios on every corner. Flat land surrounded us completely, only a few shrubs to decorate and some trees planted on the two back corners. I peered behind us at the road, seeing how long it was. It caused me to wonder just exactly how much money Grandpa has to afford all the land and fancy things for rich people. What he could've gotten rich from? That, I do not know.

"Mr. Finnegan will arrive in a few hours, allow me to carry your bags and lead you to the room." Mr. Richard offered.

"Sure," I replied and handed him the suitcase from the seat. So we both headed to the double doors together. Mr. Richard opened them with one hand, one at a time, and allowed me a few seconds to observe my surrounding. It opened up to a huge room, then straight ahead a hall with two round staircases spiraling around it. Wooden floors covered the ground while the walls were painted a light tan. It had white railing with wooden tops and a huge chandelier on the ceiling. Not an average chandelier, I'm talking huge. It was beautiful too.

It looked like actual real crystals, and the center was a see through substance that allowed a lot fire to be seem through it. Bronze held on strands of diamonds that glimmered at sight, and they lifted up in a curling motion. More and more rows of crystals went up all the way to the top, where it all connected on a bronze plate with the biggest diamond of all. This one was the same size of the fire in the center, and it looked more blue than the other diamonds. While the others were a light, white-ish looking blue, this one was darker. Like a sapphire, but seeing his house so far... He'd probably think it was too cheap.

Mr. Richard continued moving to my room, and I fell in step behind him. He went up the spiraling staircase and down a long hall that was up top. The hall stretched all the way to the end of the house, where I saw a large window with no curtains but a very large and expensive looking vase with a flower that I couldn't see from here.

We approached a door in the middle of the hall, and Mr. Richard pit down the suitcase to open the door with a key.

"A key?" I questioned.

"Yes, Ms. Finnegan. Mr. Finnegan believes that people should have their own secrets- and you are one of the only girls in the mansion. Besides Mary, of course." He informed me as the door gave a click and he turned the nob. He picked up the suitcase and set it in the inside of the room. I walked in and was once again amazed at my grandpa.

It looked more like a hotel room, but much bigger.

The walls were the same tan color, while the trim for the windows and ceiling was a dark wooden color. When you first walk in you see a short hall with a door on one side. Inside the door was a huge bathroom. All the faucets were bronze, looking good next to the pearl colored sinks. Going past the small hall and I to the large opening, you see a square room with three more doors connected to it. One of them was not really a door, but more of a space in the wall. I walked into there to see a kitchen. An amazing kitchen. We have granite counter tops, oak cabinets, and a dinner table for four with a set of chairs and a chandelier above it. The dinner table was on a back wall, so a window perched up on the sill. Flower vases were filled with magnificent- and real- flowers. They looked like nothing I had ever seen before. There were layers and layers of petals, with some sort of piece in the middle that really made it stand out.

The square room in the center that I forgot to describe is the living room. The couchs were either tan or white, a good color if you ask me. A wooden trimmed coffee table was in front of one of the tan couches. Only the trim was wooden, that's because the rest was glass. Pure glass. I entered one of the remaining doors and found myself in a library.

I couldn't believe that he had a library in my room! Even though it's not really like a living room but more of a hotel. It wasn't too big, but it was nice enough for me. Every wall was covered in bookshelves. Only there was one place where there weren't books, and that's only the space for the door. In the very center of the room was another fancy coffee table like the one in the living room, except this one was much bigger. Taller too. It had only two small chairs around it for seating. I left that door and went out the last one. This one was the most breath taking.

It was a bedroom. The sight brought tears to my eyes- and that's not because of the bright chandelier above the bed. A huge king size bed stood right in front of me against the wall. A large dark brown board rose up at the back of the bed for support, with a smaller one up front that was only the height of the bed. The bed spread was rich brown, with some decorative sewed in curls and fancy flowers that were red with more shades of brown, along a tan looking color. On my left was another door (yes, another one) and on my right was a brown couch that matched the color of the bed board's wood. Did I forget to mention the pillows? I believe I did. All the shades of the bed were each used on a different pillow that were clustered everywhere on the bed, also on the couch I saw two. A nightstand was on both sides of the bed. It had the same color as the bed mast. Long curls went up the two edges and two drawers were inside the nightstand with brass nobs. I looked around the other walls and saw on the opposing wall a vanity. Once again, same color as the bed board. The mirror was a huge oval, not a smear to be seen.

I averted my attention to the extra door an wandered to it while wiping tears from my eyes that slipped out when I was staring into the beauty of this room. I opened the double doors and looked upon the biggest bathroom I'd ever seen. I'm going to skip the colors, because those were the same as the other bathroom. A hall was blocking off the room ahead, though there were doors on each side. I opened those first and saw they were both two big closets. They looked just like a normal closet would. I continued down the hall and saw many things: a bathtub ahead, a shower beside it and a toilet on the other side, and against the closet walls were large sinks. Two total.

I went back to Mr. Richard with a smile on my face.

"All mine?"

"All yours."

And I crashed to the couch and looked around. I was looking for a remote, since a house this fancy should certainly have a tv.

"Here, Ms." Mr. Richard said and pulled lit a remote from the coffee table. He stuck his hand under it and pulled it out. I looked into this and saw there was a small cubby under the table where remotes where. Mr. Richard pressed a button and the wall shifted and revealed a 60 inch flat screen tv. I gasped and stared at him in amazement.

"All yours." He repeated and went back to the hall for my bags. He came back with them and went into the bedroom, then came out seconds later with sow thing else in his hand. It was another piece of paper.

"This is the map for the mansion. Mr. Finnegan wanted me to give it to you before he arrives." I grabbed the paper from his grasp and looked at the white colored blue print.

"There are two pages. The first own is the first floor and the second one is the second floor." He said as I flipped the page. I just noticed that he has a very official sounding voice.

"Ok, thanks." I mumbled distractedly and flicked through the pages, studying each layout. As far as I could see, the kitchen is on the first floor, while my room is on the second floor. I'm not hungry right now, I don't think I need to go see Mary yet. Dinner will be in a few hours anyway. Besides, if I do get hungry I can just go ask for a snack, like the hundreds of ones on the limo.

Then I thought of my Wattpad account. I haven't checked it since this afternoon on the plane. How many hours did I sleep on that limo anyway? My friends probably private messaged me and I didn't answer! I have to get my Wattpad on now!

So I went onto Wattpad and checked everything to make sure it was good. And it was! So I settled onto the book 'Not Exactly Romeo And Juliet' and started to read. I seriously love that book.

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