~Chapter 7~

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I hope you enjoyed that long chapter about Sam's fun day! I didn't re-read it, so if there are any spelling errors in so sorry!

~Chapter 7~

My plan was to be as speedy as possible. If I get dressed and ready for the day quicker I can explore the land with Grandpa today. His house is really fancy, and I wonder how amazing the outside will be.

I put on some jean shorts and a purple t-shirt, perfect for the warm summer weather. As I walked to the front door, I remembered by wet swimsuit and paint-splattered clothes that Mary put in the clothes washer for me last night. It was pretty close by, so I stopped in and got the things I needed. Then of course I walked all the way back to my room to put them back.

When I was finally done and was waiting in the main room, no one was there. I was early.

So with me having extra time, and having not eaten breakfast yet, I went to the kitchen. Breakfast was in hours, and Grandpa told me the tour starts early in the morning.

Mary was already in the kitchen cooking. I asked for some food and she gave me some. To be specific, it was an egg omelet. I don't know about you, but I love eggs and cheese all warmed up in that omelet. Tell me about delicious! So when I finished that wonderful cheese and eggs, I went back to my waiting spot in the main room. There was a fancy looking bench by the door that I sat at for my wait.

After only minutes I was dying from boredom. A lump in my boot reminded me of my Wattpad pal. I continued to read on 'The Perfect Duet' (credit to kpgcatlover ), which I was almost done reading. I slumped down in the seat and read happily.


Someone tapped on my shoulder. Then again. Then repeatedly until I was quite annoyed. There was only the last chapter left to 'The Perfect Duet'- the finishing facts. I was just needed to finish it! I looked up to the tappers face to see it was my grandpa.

"Are you ready or what?" He asked my confused face.

"Oh, I forgot," I muttered and slipped my phone back to my pocket. Mr. Richard and someone else was there too so they could help escort me. The new person was a girl in not a suit like everyone else, but in a black with pink striped sides thing that might have been a workout suit. She had short mahogany colored hair that was held back in a pony tail. She seemed like she was pretty young to be worker here, but I knew she was an adult. She also seemed to be very happy, like one of those people you know makes lots of others laugh at the saddest moments.

When she saw me watching her she did a small wave towards me. I slightly waved back.

Our small group went to a jeep out front. We all piled in, with the boys in the front and the girls in the back. Mr. Richard drove the vehicle to a far away space that I'd never been. From my spot in the car, I could see a red blotch in the distance. At this point, I wasn't even sure it was red because the color was so faded and worn away...

We finally arrived at the red building I saw from a distance. It was a massive barn, like the kind you always see in TV that have the two open windows on top with the two story space. Only, this one wasn't as red as those. Honestly, it looked kinda broken down. Grandpa went up to the barn door and pulled it open.

I walked in the dusty old barn and looked around. It was dark when I first walked in, but as I went in deeper the light exploded from every direction. The second floor was wide open in the middle with railings for safety, and I could see the small windows letting in lots of light. In the other end of the barn I saw another pair of doors identical to the ones I walked into on the other end of the room that were also putting in the sunlight.

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