~Chapter 5~

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A special thanks to SugarCubes4 and kpgcatlover for writing some of my favorite books on Wattpad. :)

~Chapter 5~

A bustling around my room woke me up after that long night, not to mention the amazingly soft bed. She pulled away a curtain by the window, and it landed right in my eyes. I tried to pull the sheets over my head, but she pulled those away too. The jeans I was wearing were all crumbled and wrinkled from having slept in them, and my shirt was too. I looked terrible.

The lady in my room was new to me. I had finally adjusted to the light and sat up. She was a short person, with one of those maid uniforms on. She wasn't old like Mary, and was younger and had more strength. She was probably in her early fifties. Marie was a guess of somewhere around late sixties.

"Good morning Sam," she called cheerily and dusted the night stands "I was sent to get you and tell you that your Grandpa is coming home today. It's such a joy too, he hasn't been back for a while. Always traveling," she sighed and paused to look at me.

"You better get dressed," she continued "you're going to want to look your best when you meet him!"

I stumbled out of bed and went to my suitcase. I sat on top of it for a few minutes until I was fully awake. Then I took the suitcase to the closet in the bathroom, the fancy one of course. The only bad part was that the closet was full already. Everywhere I looked beautiful clothes were hung everywhere. I saw a whole section of the closet devoted to dresses! I'm really more of a jeans person, but I could wear one of these every once and a while.

I pushed my suitcase to an almost-empty corner, and scrolled through the closet. They were pretty low of jeans of any sort, so I pulled out a nice summer dress. It was my size, but it seemed like something a kid younger than me would wear. It was a light green with purple flower designs etched to it. The dress went down to my knees, and it was really comfortable. Brown leggings were attached to it by a hanger in the inside of the dress.

So I put the dress on, but I couldn't wear sneakers. I couldn't find any shoes in the closet either, which seems very unusual for this mansion. I walked out of the closet and went to the other closet on the other side of the wall. Did you forget about that one? I did until I saw it when I walked out.

The closet door opened, and I saw something better than clothes. All I saw was shoes, jewelry, and sleep gear. Half the closet wall was for shoes, the other side for sleeping things, and jewelry was stuffed into a huge box meant for them.

I opened the jewelry box and saw diamonds immediately. They were the main piece of the box! Every chain had a diamond on it. Each ring had miniature ones all around it. The hair clips had diamonds on them! It was so magical looking, and if I had flashed a flash light at them it would really look good.

I had to pry my vision away from the diamonds and look at the shoes. Of all the different kinds, more than half were boots. I grabbed a brown pair with fringe on the side from the top row and slipped them on.

Next thing to do, hm. Do my hair. I really wanted to use those diamond clips, so I grabbed one (then before I left I took three more) and went to the bathroom sinks. The one on the left of me, which was against the wall of the closet with all the clothes, seemed to have all my things laid out. Of course, with this house there were lots more though.

I turned on the water just enough to make the comb wet, then I combed through it all. My hair was split into two pieces, but one of them was much bigger than he other. I examined the clips I grabbed from the drawer. They were small little bits, like fancy metal with diamonds on top. It was the kind you had to push in to open then release to close it. Two metal flaps came out of the sides, giving just enough room for the diamonds to make out two flower shaped, one for each half. Using the comb's end, I separated a little of the hair on the bigger side, then flattened it and twirled it real tight. With that done, I clipped it still with the diamond clips. I did the same thing heading down my head on the same half with the other three clips. When I was done, my hair was a sparkling art.

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