~Chapter 1~

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Before I start this chapter, I have a special shout out to Amongthedreamers for the amazing cover displayed. Thank you!

~Chapter 1~

I opened my eyes and turned my head to the window beside me. I sat up and stretched quietly, then walked over to it for a better view. Cars honked and the summer heat warmed me through the brick walls. If you really think about about it, bricks only seem to make rooms a lot colder/warmer than they really are. In my opinion, at least.

I wiped my four head and made sure the window was completely closed. I looked around my old, small room and shook my head at myself for ever agreeing to this.

I had my room done when we moved here to New York- when I was five. I insisted on having a Dora room, but my Mom gave me other ideas. She decided on a pink and purple striped room, with matching bed spreads and decorations. If I ever have friends over, I'd die of embarrassment for sure.

I looked at my also pink and purple alarm clock and checked the time. 8:45, time for breakfast. My parents both work as partners in the travel agents business. They've been doing close jobs for a while though, because they know I hate always having to move. This is the last week of school, and for the first time ever, I might be here for the entire school year. I don't have school today though, it's Sunday.

I'm not exactly used to having good friends that I can spend time with, so I only have two good ones. Marie and Katie, my best and only friends in New York. I even keep pictures of us together on my night stand.

I hear a holler from downstairs and jog down to the first level, but it's actually not because we live on the third story of the building. I smelt something sweet on the way down, like maple syrup. That tells me they're making pancakes today.

I burst into the morning light from the kitchen windows and sat down to the round, circle shaped table. My dad was seated next to me reading the paper, and my mom was cooking the food. My mom and dad both have brown hair, but they have different eye colors. Dad has brown, Mom has blue. They always wear business suits to breakfast, because afterwards they go to work. On weekends they go to work at 9:00, but during week days they go at 7:00 since I'm already at school. Summer is uncertain right now, yet my mom promised me she would talk to her boss about it today.

"G'morning, Mom. G'morning, Dad." I addressed them each.

"And remember," I reminded them "Katie and Marie and taking me to church today."

"When's that, Sam?" My dad persisted.

"They chose the later service, so I need to be ready by twelve."

"Ready that." My dad saluted like a soldier, which he learned from his dad when he was a kid.

I smiled and went back to my breakfast. Mom wandered over with a pan in her hands and dumped some bacon onto my plate. I gobbled all of it up and went back to my room. I shut the door and searched through my drawers for something to wear for church. Since it was warm out, I got a pair of jean shorts and a short sleeve shirt, which was dark purple with a glittery butterfly on it.

Next I picked up my iPod and went onto Wattpad. I didn't want to start a new chapter to write, so I opened up the library and selected the book 'Forced Royal', by SugarCubes4. I'm almost done with it, only two chapters left. Man, I love that book! Best book ever invented.

By the time twelve came around, I finished the book and felt all emotional about it. I couldn't believe the way things turned out! It was the total opposite! I heard a car horn honk outside, and I looked pit the window. Two familiar faces started at me through the car shield and I waved at them. They waved back, making their hands a blur it was so fast. I put my iPod away and went back to the kitchen to say goodbye to the babysitter.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, since my parents can't watch me when they go to work, the hired a babysitter.

She was finishing up breakfast when I got down, and I gave her a hug before speaking and closing the door.

"Hey, Katie and Marie are here, so bye." I said, and gave a final wave before shutting the door tightly. I ran down the stairs to keep them from waiting, but almost slipped on the concrete, which for some reason was wet. I shuddered and stepped away, wiping my foot on the floor. Then I continued as if it never happened.

I opened the car door to Katie's Mom's car and sat in the back by the window.

"Hey Sam!" Exclaimed Marie quickly and suddenly. I looked at Katie for an explanation.

"She got sugar this morning." Katie told me.

"And it wasn't my fault!" Added Katie's mom. "She snuck into her brother's candy bag last night and ate the entire thing. I even gave her some special medicine to make sure she's good for church."

One thing I should say about Marie and Katie, they both a basically live together. Marie's parents are not very... good. They got arrested two years ago, when I didn't live here. Katie was really good friends with her, and her Mom was always watching her because of her drunk parents, so they took her in. Marie's parents agreed to have her cared for by them, and now she lives with them until her parents get out of jail. I don't know why or how they got in there, and I'm not rude enough to ask.

"You got any summer plans?" Asked Katie.

"Not yet. My mom's gonna ask her book for their summer schedule today, so maybe we can plan something." I replied.

"You know Sam, I'd always b he apply to watch you of your parents can't." Offered Mrs. Wimberly, Katie's Mom.

"You honestly don't have to." I said modestly. "My parents are ok with hiring someone."

Mrs. Wimberly shrugged and looked at me through her mirror.

We finally arrived at the church and I had a great time, despite Marie's craziness.


The next day I stopped my alarm and got ready for school.

"Honey, the bus comes in two minutes." My Mom yelled from the kitchen, where she was making coffee. I could tell by the sound of the coffee bean grinder. So I snatched my book bag from a hook on the door and raced downstairs. No breakfast was on the table, I was too late for that. All that was there was a granola bar. I ripped it open and stuck it in m mouth, leaving my hands free. I went to the door and said a muffled goodbye before running to the stop sign. It's only at the end of the block, but it makes me pant every time.

The bus came roaring around the corner right as I got to the stop. I went onto the bus and sat right next to Marie and Katie. Marie was really down today, probably sugar crash. I spent the entire day with them, and the next few ones. All the way to Thursday.

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