~Chapter 6~

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Sorry for ALL spelling errors in the last few chapters, and thanks to Amongthedreamers for pointing them out in the comments. By the way... don't be afraid to comment! I want your feedback!

~Chapter 6~

The main room was that room you see when you first walk in. You know, the one with the amazing chandelier. All the people I knew were there, all up on the stairs, the floor, and just pilled in. Everyone screamed as my grandpa came in, the servants closer to us went up and patted him on the back. Everyone was so happy and excited to see him. I thought he was gone for only a few days, not very long. He must go on trips pretty often.

He smiled and greeted them all in turn. Then he put a hand on my shoulder and called out to the crowd.

"I'm home," he was greeted by the yelling of servants and maids from all around the house, or in other words, mansion. "I believe that Mr. Richard and some of the very helpful other servants have helped set up today's events, so let's get out there are start it all up!"

Everyone screamed at full volume and rushed forward. Grandpa gripped my shoulders and led me out of the room without being trampled. We were some of the people in the back of the crowd, with all the elderly that were slower than others. All the young people in the building were some of the people that sped ahead of the group and made the racket. I noticed Mary and some of the other maids I'd seen around were greeting Grandpa since he was so close to them.

We went to the back of the house, then to a roped off area in the 'backyard'. It didn't even look like a backyard because of the size. When I saw it I though of one thing: fair. I saw rides around every corner, including the so-famous Farris wheel. A shimmering pool stood out from the edge of the roped area, and I saw outside of the roped area some things on the floor, but I wasn't sure what they were.

As we approached the ropes, I saw a boy going under the restricted line and trying to get it.

"Josh," Grandpa yelled, not in a mean way but in a joking sort of way "get out of there!"

"Sorry," he exclaimed and jumped out, mostly with the help of his friends who pulled him back under. Everyone in the crowd laughed, or if they were close enough they patted him on the back. Grandpa ignored it all and led me up to the other side of the ropes.

"I have the pool and paintball gun for the very last things, so no one go there! In this area-" Grandpa gestured with his hands where it was "- you can do whatever you want, but some of these things have an extra rope around them, and those you'll have to wait for."

Everything was still.

"Go," he yelled and they all went through the now opened rope. Most of them just dived under the ropes all around.

"Sam," Grandpa told me as I walked up to him "the same rules go for you, but otherwise you go have fun." He smiled, and I raced off to the rides. My first choice was a large hurler. It had seats in twos all around it, and once you were buckled in the entire thing swung, pulling you behind it. You swing around and around and around! I sat by a elderly lady, and she loved the ride just as much as I did. By the time it was over I was pretty sure one of the people in the back threw up.

Next I went to what looked like alien spaceship. It was that huge ufo shape, and inside you pressed your back to a wall. The wall has the colors blue and red panels, and you stood on the cushioned wall. In fact, I think the whole wall was covered in the squishy surface for safety. I reached my hands out to the metal bars that separated each seat and gripped them very hard. The person in the middle started up the machine, and it spun so fast that we were stuck to the wall and floated. Not really floated, but the squishy thing on the walls pulled up, and it lifted our feet up too. There weren't even buckles!

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