Chapter 4 - Disgusted

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(Author note I start using povs in this)

Claudia POV-
Callum then kissed the elf.
They both smiled.
That should've been me!
He liked me before and-
I then realised I had my hands clenched.
Was I jealous?
I mean Ez told me how nervous Callum was on our little moon date.
But it's probably just a fling I mean I did reject him multiple times.
I sighed.
Callum then moved his hands all around her and she pushed him of and pushed him away..
She stared at Soren and then me I couldn't help but look disgusted.
Her eyes wondered back over to Soren who was covering Ezrin eyes.
Soren looked at me I could see it in his eyes that he was a grossed out as me Ezran pushed his hand of.."Soren I've seen people kissing I've seen you and—",Soren then covered Ezs mouth again..
He chuckled nervously I then looked at Callum he looked as thought he was about to cry..

Callum POV
"Oh I forgot about Ez and Soren..",I chuckled as I held Raylas hand.
"Callum...",She said as she let go of my hand.
"What?",I asked.
"There watching us.."
I then looked over to Clauds and Soren who were staring at us both disgusted and stranged out the same time.
"So what??!",I asked as I put my hand on her side were it was pain.
"That's What everyone will do.."

Rayla then walked over to Zym and picked him up.
"Aravos is close.",She said as she put her cloak on,"Callum let's go..Ez pls go back to your kingdom it's not safe—"
"I can talk to animals..AKA dragons..I think I'm gonna be ok!",Ezrin snapped as he picked up bait and put him in his back pack.
Callum walked over to Rayla.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done anything you..",before he could speak she snatched the potion he got from the queen of dragons and was already far away from him.
She drank it and the pain went away.
She breathed.
It felt so much better now!
Zym roared and flew over to Ez.
"I guess he's travelling with you!",Rayla smiled.
She looked over at Callum he stared at her.
Rayla looked away.
She could never date a human.
"Hey elf..Yo and my boy Callum a thing?",Soren asked a sly smirk across his face Rayla rolled her eyes,"No...He just kissed me I'm um elf culture it's normal for friends to do that—"
"But you frenched him!"
Rayla blushed that was true.
"Ha!An elf in love with a human...Classic!",he chuckled as he walked over to grab his things.
Rayla dunk deeper into sadness.
"He's right."
"Callum!", Rayla screamed as she turned a round.
"Yes he is..",Rayla was about to walk of But Callum grabbed her shoulder.
"Well that was funny but he said it wrong..Its more like a human in love with a elf..."
Rayla turned Callum was looking at her she could see he just wanted them to not argue.
"But Callum I-I-I can't love you back.",Rayla then walked of.
She felt like crying.
I love you but I have to let you go...
Callum felt empty.
For the first time he wanted to kill Soren.
"Sure Ez!",Callum smiled and ruffled his step brothers hair.
Still he wished he was holding Raylas hand.
Her laughing.
And then punching him in the arm.
He sniffles up.
She hates me..He thought as he then stared ahead at the elf.
She looked back for one last time she sighed.

(Authors note There is more Rayllum but not now)

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